(d) “资生堂的表现逊于与其实力最为接近的国内竞争对手花王(KaoCorporation),花王是佳丽宝化妆品(Kanebo Cosmetics)和家居用品的所有者。”
Here is the English original:
Scheherazade Daneshkhu, Masahiko Uotani, Shiseido CEO: from Coke to cosmetics. Financial Times, Jan 11, 2015 (under the heading The Monday Interview).
(It [Shiseidō] has also underperformed its closest domestic rival, Kaō Corporation, which owns Kanebo Cosmetics and household goods.”)
(i) 花王株式会社
(established in 1887 by Tomirō NAGASE 長瀬 富郎 as a manufacturer of domestic toiletry soap; acquired Kanebō Cosmetics in 2006)
(ii) The “ka’ and “ō” are Chinese pronunciations of kani 花 and 王, respectively.
(iii) Kanebō カネボウ株式会社(旧鐘淵紡績、旧鐘紡 [pronounced ‘kanebō’) ja.wikipedia.org
(A) カネボウ株式会社(旧鐘淵紡績、旧鐘紡) ja.wikipedia.org
(B) 鐘淵紡績. So named because it was established in a Tokyo neighborhood called 鐘淵 or 鐘ヶ淵 (name origin: 沈鐘の伝説), both of which are pronounced "kane-ga-fuchi")
Japanese English dictionary
* bōseki 紡績 【ぼうせき】 (n,v): "spinning"
* kane 鐘 【かね】 (n): "bell (often a large hanging bell"
* fuchi 淵 【ふち】 (n) “deep pool; deep water”
(e) “一位高中英语老师燃起了他对语言的兴趣,并促使他决心通过在美国工作说好外语。在加盟以牙膏著称的日本消费品集团狮王(Lion)后,他找到了实现上述目标的方法。该公司由哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的一位毕业生管理。最终,狮王把他送到哥伦比亚大学,攻读MBA课程。在离开狮王后,他的大部分工作生涯是在可口可乐(Coca-Cola)和美国零食集团Mondelez(卡夫(Kraft)的前身)度过的,大多担任营销职位。”
English original: “A high school English teacher kindled in him a fascination with the language and a determination to speak it well by spending time in the US. He found a way to do this after joining Lion, a Japanese consumer goods group best known for toothpaste and run at the time by a Columbia University graduate. It eventually sent him to Columbia where he relished the MBA course. After leaving Lion, he spent most of his working life at Coca-Cola and US snacks group Mondelez (the former Kraft), mostly in marketing roles.”
(i) Lion Corporation ライオン [pronounced 'ra-i-on' because in Japanese transliteration, there is no letter "l"] 株式会社
I fail to find why the company came to be named Lion.
(ii) Mondelēz International
(IS an American company; "It comprises the global snack and food brands of the former Kraft Foods. The Mondelēz name, adopted in 2012, came from the input of Kraft Foods employees at the time, a combination of the words for 'world' and 'delicious' in romance languages)
Grupo Modelo brews Corona beer.
Spanish English dictionary
modelo (noun masculine): “a model (machine, miniature)”
(noun masculine & feminine): “a model (person who serves as a subject for artwork or fashion)”
(f) “他计划取消销售配额,转而设置更广泛的侧重客户满足感举措的 ‘评估目标,’ 并推行更多以业绩为基础、旨在鼓励较年轻员工的升职。 通过这些改革,鱼谷雅彦希望开发他所谓的 ‘杂交模式,’ 将美国管理惯例标准嫁接到构成资生堂核心的日本文化中来。日本文化的优点在于 ‘人们非常忠诚,工作努力,有时是太努力了,他们还努力进行团队合作,互相帮助。’ 但 ‘缺点是,由于日本企业有按资排辈的传统,即便你很优秀,也不得不等待。在西式管理中,年龄和性别都不重要。’”
English original: “He plans to abolish sales quotas in favour of broader ‘evaluation targets’ tilted towards customer satisfaction measures and to introduce more merit-based promotions aimed at motivating younger employees. Through such changes, Mr Uotani hopes to develop what he calls a ‘hybrid model’ by grafting a measure of American management practices on to the Japanese culture that constitutes the core of Shiseido. The strength of Japanese culture is that ‘people are very loyal, hard-working — sometimes they work too hard — and they try to work as a team, collaborating with each other.’ But ‘the flip side is because Japanese companies have a seniority order, even if you are good, you have to wait. In the western management style, it doesn’t matter what age you are, whether you are a man or woman.’”