(2) Waste disposal | Keep the Fires Burning; Waste incinerators rile the public, but are much better than landfill.
www.economist.com/news/china/216 ... -keep-fires-burning
"They [Chinese] are running out of good places for landfills and are turning instead to burning rubbish, generating electricity at 'waste-to-energy' plants like the one in Hangzhou. About 70 such incinerators are now being built [in China], in addition to more than 180 in operation. Cities increased their capacity to incinerate waste tenfold in the decade to 2013 (see chart)
"There is a lot of informal recycling [in China]: people pick through rubbish at dumps looking for items such as plastic bottles that can be sold to recycling factories * * * Doug Woodring of the Ocean Recovery Alliance, a charity, says waste should still be sifted for recyclable materials before being burned.
Next to Shanghai's landfill--China’s largest, Laogang 上海市浦东新区老港镇--is an incinerator "built with technology from Germany, Japan and elsewhere. The waste burns at temperatures of 850°C or higher, hot enough to eliminate toxic dioxin pollutants. * * * On a recent visit to the site, there was no detectable odour outside. * * * Zhang Yi, a senior manager at SMI Environment, a local state-owned enterprise that runs the Laogang furnaces * * * A planned new burner, to be completed in 2017, would make the Laogang facility the largest in the world, burning 9,000 tonnes a day [from the current 3,000 tonnes]. The goal by then is to increase the share of Shanghai’s household waste that is incinerated from about a third to three-quarters.
Note: 集团简介.
Shanghai Municipal Investment (SMI)