(7) Bruce Einhorn with Annie Lee, China Prods Industry to Make a Great Lap.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... o-make-a-great-leap
“In May, the State Council endorsed a 10-year manufacturing plan aimed at fostering innovation, promoting the creation of more local brands, and encouraging greener production. Headlined Made in China 2025 中国制造2025, the blueprint identifies 10 strategic industries, including robotics, IT, aerospace, and new-energy vehicles.
“The blueprint ‘is born out of necessity,’ says Karel Eloot, a senior partner at McKinsey in Shanghai. To remain competitive in manufacturing, ‘China needs to find a new wave of productivity improvements,’ he says. Low-wage, low-skilled labor fueled the first phase of China’s industrial revolution, but workers are no longer as plentiful or cheap. Because of the success of the one-child policy, population growth has slowed dramatically and the workforce is shrinking. And so the industries named in Made in China 2025 are less labor-intensive than those that powered almost two decades of double-digit export growth. While the plan is short on specifics, policymakers will likely rely on a combination of regulations and incentives to achieve their goals.
My comment:
(a) summary underneath the title in print: A new plan favors enterprises that are green and less labor-intensive
(b) There is no need to read the rest, which are insignificant.