凯瑞, 注定对抗?. BBC Chinese, Sept 26, 2015
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... lance_carrie_gracie
, which is translated from
Carrie Gracie, Collision course? Rise of China a stress for the US. BBC, Sept 26, 2015
My comment: The path is well trodden. The reasons I bring this essay to your attention are as follows.
(a) "Never before in history has a great power risen so fast, and in so many different spheres, as the China we see today. In three short decades, the backwards farming nation of both presidents' childhoods has become the world's largest manufacturer and largest trader."
(i) In my view, "backwards" is an adjective, not an adverb. As an adjective, it is always "backward" (without "s" at the end) -- in both British English and American English. Only as an adverb MAY (but does not have to) "backward" end with an "s." See
backwards (adv): "mainly UK (US usually backward)"
(ii) I say the above after reviewing Oxforddictionaries.com also.
(i) The essay in the first sentence quotes President Obama as saying, "The United States welcomes the rise of a China that is peaceful, stable, prosperous and a responsible player in global affairs."
Remarks by President Obama and President Xi of the People's Republic of China at Arrival Ceremony. White House, Sept 25, 2015 (9:22 am, at South Lawn of White House)
https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-p ... ublic-china-arrival
(paragraph 4 of Obama’s remarks)
(ii) The essay then quotes president Xi Jinping as saying, "There is no such thing as the so-called Thucydides trap in the world. But should major countries time and again make the mistakes of strategic miscalculation, they might create such traps for themselves."
(A) I just learn that in PRC there is no website for the office of the president (as in Taiwan) or for the presidential building (as WhiteHouse.gov). The website of PRC’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) does not have the transcript. Instead it is found in
习近平在华盛顿州当地政府和美国友好团体联合欢迎宴会上的演讲(全文) Full text: Xi Jinping's speech on China-US relations in Seattle. China.org.cn, Sept 24, 2015.
(B) The event is what MOFA describes as “Xi Jinping Attends and Addresses Welcome Banquet Co-hosted by Washington State Government and Friendly Groups of the US (2015-09-23).”
(C) The quotation (“世界上本无’修昔底德陷阱,’ 但大国之间一再发生战略误判,就可能自己给自己造成 ‘修昔底德陷阱’ ”) appears two thirds down the text, in the paragraph that starts with “第一” or “First.”