(6) "co-curator FURUTA Ryō 古田 亮 from Tokyo University of the Arts"
(7) "The first part of 'Sotatsu' focuses on the breadth, inventiveness and exuberance of his work. Plucking episodes from Japanese literature, for example, the artist variously arranged scenes from the 'Tale of Genji' across an eight-panel gilded screen, encapsulated moments from the 'Tales of Ise' in small, colorful compositions”
(a) The Tale of Genji 源氏物語 (world's first novel; was finished in its present form by 1021, when the author of the Sarashina Nikki wrote a diary entry about her joy at acquiring a complete copy of the tale)
(b) The Tales of Ise 伊勢物語 (a collection of waka ['和歌, literally, "Japanese poem" '] poems and associated narratives; authorship unknown) en.wikipedia.org
ja.wikipedia.org: 書名の文献上の初見は『源氏物語』
my translation: The title 伊勢物語 was first recorded in The Tale of Genji [it goes on speculating 伊勢 could be the bane of an ancient province 伊勢国, poetess Ise, Priestess 伊勢斎宮 at Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮) , etc]
(8) “In his ink paintings, meanwhile, Sotatsu variously distilled a plum tree to its bare essentials, evoked the ethereal nature of an eccentric Zen priest perched in a tree, and infused giant dragons with otherworldly force and mystery. The tones range from smoke-wisp [ie wisp of smoke] grays to outer-space blacks. As in much of his painted work, Sotatsu here and there deployed a technique known as tarashikomi. He added layer upon still-moist layer so that the ink pooled into random, semi-translucent shapes, imbuing the work with depth and texture.”
(a) 垂らし込み/溜込: "日本画の技法の一。色を塗って乾かないうちに他の色を垂らし、にじみの効果を生かすもの。俵屋宗達の創案と考えられ、琳派(りんぱ)が多く用いた。"
(i) my translation: one of skills in Japanese painting. While the color of a paint stroke remains wet, something to create a percolating effect. It is thought that 俵屋宗達 created it, which was then copiously applied in 琳派.
(ii) A noun which is pronounced “nijimi,” にじみ has a verb counterpart “nijimu.” For definition of the latter, see (4).
(b) two videos to demonstrate tarashikomi:
(i) 桜を描いてみましょう Wet drawing style Cherry blossoms. YouTube.com, uploaded by sakaihouichi on Jan 28, 2010
("「たらしこみ」「おとしこみ」とも言います。 'Tarashikomi' 'Otoshikomi' also known")
(ii) Sumi-e Drawing Dog Tarashikomi Technic たらしこみ. YouTube.com, uploaded by 水墨画TV on Jan 5, 2007.
* The "sumi" and "e" are both Japanese pronunciations of kanji 墨 (ink) and 絵, respectively. |