Read either Chinese- or English-language news report, but not both.
(1) 俄年底前向中国交付苏-35战机. VOA Chinese, Feb 21, 2016 ... 160221/3200398.html
"两国 pChina and Russia] 去年还签订了向中国出售S-400防空导弹的合同。中国成为苏-35和S-400这两种先进俄罗斯武器的第一个外国买家。 与此同时,俄罗斯直升机集团已决定在中国的几个地区成立售后服务中心,将为中国采购的大批各种俄制直升飞机提供配件和维修服务。
(a) Russia will supply first four Su-35 fighters to China by end of 2016 — source. Tass, Feb 19, 2016.
Note: "Its [Su-35's] maximum speed is 2,390 km/h (1,490mph)"
speed of sound
("In dry air at 20 °C, the speed of sound is 343.2 metres per second (1,126 ft/s). This is 1,236 kilometres per hour (768 mph)")
(b) AIRSHOW-Indonesia picks Russian Su-35 to modernise air force-sources. Reuters, Feb 19, 2016 ... hters-idUSL3N15Y2AN
(an agreement at the Singapore Airshow, with a contract to be signed in a month)
Note: The Reuters report doesnot mention transfer of technology (TOT). Some other (English-language) news media do, but are vague about what or whether even related to Su-35. "Russia also took the opportunity to convince Indonesia to buy weaponry systems, including Sukhoi SU-35 fighter jets, helicopters and submarines, alongside transfer of technology to help improve Indonesia’s defense industry." Jakarta Post, Feb 11, 2016.