本帖最后由 choi 于 4-11-2016 11:26 编辑
(1) Apr 2, 2016 at 5:26pm
(2) March 25 at 3:43am
("my first visit to China with my father in 1976. It was the end of the Cultural Revolution and I have vivid memories of our delegation being greeted by young children lining the streets chanting loudly: 'WELCOME, WELCOME, A VERY WARM WELCOME.' It was very contrived and my father was not impressed. We are Singaporeans, not prone to excessive, unnatural displays of emotion. Papa merely waved at the children * * * I refused to even do that. I stared straight ahead, feeling very sad for the people of the 'Middle Kingdom' that was still run like a kingdom. * * * They [Chinese officials] could not melt us with their over exuberant display of goodwill. We continued to behave as Singaporeans as opposed to PRC Chinese. * * * Papa was dead set against a personality cult and any hint of cronyism")