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发表于 12-12-2010 11:06:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

If you'd like to read Chinese, go straight to the last line.

Andrew Jacobs, China’s Army of Graduates Is Struggling; The value of training for white-collar jobs has plunged. New York Times. Dec. 12, 2010 (title in the print).

"When he finally found a job selling apartments for a real estate agency, he
left after less than a week when his employer reneged on a promised salary
and then fined him each day he failed to bring in potential clients.

"In the end, Mr. Li and his friends settled for sales jobs with an instant
noodle company. The starting salary, a low $180 a month, turned out to be
partly contingent on meeting ambitious sales figures.

Liu Yang went back home in Shanxi. "That left Mr. Yuan, Mr. Li and their
girlfriends. Over dinner one night, the four of them complained about the
unkindness of Beijingers

My comment:
(a) Datong University 山西大同大学 是2006年经中华人民共和国教育部批准,由原
(b) ramshackle (adj; alteration of earlier ransackled, from past participle
of obsolete ransackle, frequentative of ransack)
"1: appearing ready to collapse : RICKETY
2: carelessly or loosely constructed <a ramshackle plot>"

All definitions are from www.m-w.com.
(c) slapdash (adj): "HAPHAZARD, SLIPSHOD"
(d) ZHOU Xiaozheng 周 孝正
(e) The report mentions "grueling six-day work weeks" for white collars.
(f) PENG Xizhe 彭 希哲
(g) wet blanket (n): "one [person or thing] that quenches or dampens
enthusiasm or pleasure"
(h) "Hot plate is a portable kitchen appliance used for preparing food in
places where normal stove is not convenient to use. Hot plates come with
either single or double burners."
(i) trail (vi): "DWINDLE <her voice trailing off>"

(j) There is a Chinese translation:

苦苦挣扎的中国大学毕业生大军. translated on Dec. 12, 2010.

※ 修改:.choi 于 Dec 12 14:33:44 修改本文.[FROM:]

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