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发表于 5-31-2016 11:51:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 胡世澤, 師大新聞: 高行健教授發表美的葬禮新書. 國立台灣師範大學, May 31, 2016.

My comment
(a) "師大新聞." My guess is press release.
(b) "高行健,5月31日發表新書《美的葬禮》,這本畫冊與他的詩作 [the poem was published in 2013 also, same as the movie]、電影同名,花了七年時間拍攝。 * * * 《美的葬禮》由師大文化創藝產學中心出版"
(i) The book: 高行健, 美的葬禮. 師大文化創藝產學中心, 2016.
(ii) 關於文創.
("「國立臺灣師範大學文化創藝產學中心 [Cultural & Creative Industries Center,  National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)] 」,2008年3月25日舉行揭牌儀式,正式對外昭示:原以培育中等學校師資為主要教學目標的台灣師範教育龍頭,面對社會變遷、時代脈動與全球經濟發展趨勢,積極轉型發展以「文化創新」與「藝術加值」為核心理念,定位於「文化領航.創藝生活.美學經濟」的發展目標,為台灣學術研究與產業發展培育優秀的人才")
(iii) There is no Wikipedia page for 美的葬禮 Requiem For Beauty, either in Chinese or in English. (I do not check French Wikipedia, because I do not know the movie title in French.)
(iv) Compare the 1988 Chinese documentary 河殇 River Elegy.
(v) requiem
(Musical settings of the propers of the Requiem Mass are also called Requiems)

Quote: "The Mass and its settings draw their name from the introit of the liturgy, which begins with the words 'Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine' – 'Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.' ('Requiem' is the accusative singular form of the Latin noun requies, 'rest, repose.')"

(A) introit (n; from Church Latin introitus introit, from Latin: entrance, from introīre to go in, from [prefix] intro- [in, into: Wiktionary] + īre to go)”
"(Roman Catholic Church, Church of England) a short prayer said or sung as the celebrant is entering the sanctuary to celebrate Mass or Holy Communion"
(B) Latin English dictionary:
* aeternam (adj): "accusative feminine singular of [adjective masculine] aeternus "permanent, lasting, eternal")
* dōnā (v; second-person singular present active imperative of [verb] dōnō [I give (a present); I bestow, grant])
* eis (pronoun):
"1. dative plural of is (ea, id)
2. ablative plural of is (ea, id)"
* Domine (n; vocative singular of Dominus)
* Dominus (noun masculine; from Latin noun dominus ‎"lord, master of a house")"
"(religion) The Lord, the God of Abraham and the Hebrew Tanakh; (Christian) God the Father"
   ^ domine (n; vocative singular of dominus)
      (my own note: "domine" is used to addressed by a servant to his house master)
(C) Latin again.

In a nutshell, eis is, in English, "them" -- in both dative and ablative cases; ignore the latter case, because it is unnecessary for our purpose -- for male (he), female (she) or the inanimate (it, this, that), whose counterpart in Latin is (is, ea and id), respectively. See the chart in

is ea id (he, she, it, this, that). Dr J's Illustrated Guide to the Classical World, undated.
(D) Latin once more: word order
* Latin grammar
("Latin word order is generally subject–object–verb. However, other word orders are common, especially in poetry. * * * Latin does not have articles and so does not generally differentiate between, for example, 'a girl' and 'the girl' * * * Unlike English, Latin usually [but not always] places adjectives after nouns")
* What about the order of direct and indirect objects?

John Garger, Latin Direct and Indirect Objects: An Overview. Bright Hub Education, Aug 2, 2012
www.brighthubeducation.com/learn ... d-indirect-objects/
(Since Latin is an inflected language, the words change form to indicate their function in a sentence. * * * Latin uses the dative [for indirect object of a verb -- because Latin does not have preposition] and accusative [direct object of a verb] cases to indicate objects * * * Direct and indirect objects function exactly the same in Latin and English but Latin inflections identify them as opposed to word order or prepositions. Recall that Latin lacks prepositions")
(A) The following is the only item I can find about the movie.

Requiem For Beauty. Filmaffinity, undated
(Original title  Le deuil de la beauté
Year 2013
Running Time 117 min.
Country France
Director Gao Xingjian
Screenwriter Gao Xingjian
Cinematography Corinne Dardé
Producer Nova Pista)
(B) French English dictionary:
* deuil (noun masculine): "1. bereavement; 2. mourning * * * 4. funeral procession"


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 楼主| 发表于 5-31-2016 11:52:50 | 只看该作者
(b) "高行健講座教授1940年出生於江西贛州 [市] * * * 自2011年獲聘為師大講座教授後,從2012年起,每年都來臺師大講課,2012年舉辦「尋‧靈山」攝影展,並發表新書「遊神與玄思」[繁體中文, Taipei: 聯經出版公司, 2012] * * * 2015年舉辦通識講座及為學生上課。"
(i) 高行健
(1940- ; section 1.1 童年)
(ii) It appears that his annual 講課 2012-2014 is about two weeks in duration.
(A) Gao, Xingjian, Chair Professor 講座教授. Graduate Institute of Performing Arts (GIPA), Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts 國立台灣師範大學 表演藝術研究所, undated.

You may click, in the top blue band, "SiteMap | Print | Login | 正體中文" (or English) to switch languages.
(B) 林靜梅, 蔣龍祥 and 張國樑, 高行健訪台講座 攝影展分享經驗. PTS News Network 公視新聞網, June 6, 2012
("諾貝爾文學獎得主高行健,最近應台師大的邀請,來台擔任為期兩週的講座教授,除了滿檔的演講與座談.今天他參加了自己的攝影展開幕,主題就叫 '尋.靈山,' 高行健說,當初不想被勞改,因而展開逃亡,走遍了長江流域,而這些經驗,最終成了他寫作時,最重要的根據,也助他完成了經典小說 '靈山' ")

* 台灣公共電視 Public Television Service (PTS)
* 靈山: 聯經出版公司, 2012
   (translation by Mabel Lee: Soul Mountain. HarperCollins, 2000)
(C) 2016大師講座: 做一個自由人—文學‧歷史‧社會脈動. 師大文學院, undated
https://www.facebook.com/ntnu194 ... 87103684898/?type=3
(June 1, 2016)
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 楼主| 发表于 5-31-2016 11:58:54 | 只看该作者
(c) "新書發表會上,表藝所 [表演藝術研究所 is under College of Music 音樂學院] 林淑真教授、總務長許和捷、藝術學院 [College of Arts] 林俊良院長、文學院李勤岸副院長、表藝所何康國所長、文創中心劉建成主任、特教中心潘裕豐主任都蒞臨文薈廳。"

* The icon in the upper left corner is a logo for the 60th anniversary of National Taiwan Normal University 1946-2016, though Japan established it in 1922 as a high school (台灣總督府臺北高等學校).

(d) "他還榮獲法國藝術與文學騎士勳章 [in 1992]、法國榮譽軍團騎士勳章、法國文藝復興金質獎章 [La Médaille d'or de la Renaissance; English: Gold Medal of the French Renaissance; in 2012]、義大利費羅尼亞文學獎 [in 2001]、義大利米蘭藝術節特別致敬獎、美國終身成就學院金盤獎、美國紐約公共圖書館 New York Public Library [of New York City] 雄獅獎 [Lions Award, 2006]、盧森堡歐洲貢獻金獎;香港中文大學、法國馬賽- 普羅旺斯大學、比利時布魯塞爾自由大學、臺灣大學、臺灣的中央大學和中山大學皆授予他榮譽博士,現任國立臺灣師範大學講座教授。"
(i) 法國藝術與文學勳章  Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
(English: Order of Arts and Letters; established in 1957 by the Minister of Culture; three ranks in DECREASING distinction: Commandeur (commander), Officier (officer) and Chevalier (knight) 騎士)
(ii) 榮譽軍團  Legion of Honour
(full name in English: National Order of the Legion of Honour; full name in French: Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur; is the highest French order for military and civil merits, established 1802 by Napoléon Bonaparte; The order is divided into five degrees of increasing distinction: Chevalier (Knight) [騎士勳章 the lowest rank], Officier (Officer), Commandeur (Commander), Grand Officier (Grand Officer) and Grand'Croix (Grand Cross) )
(iii) 義大利費羅尼亞文學獎
Italian: Premio Letterario Feronia   (There is no settled English name; one is Feronia Literary Prize; Italy's top literary prize for foreign authors; doled out annually by Fiano Romano -- a town called Fiano in the Rome suburb)
(A) Italian English dictionary:
* premio (noun masculine; from Latin [noun neuter; from prae ‎before + emo ‎acquire, obtain] praemium [prize]): "prize"
(B) English dictionary:
* premium (n; from Latin praemium)
* prize (n)
Online Etymology Dictionary, undated.
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