Today's news first.
(1) 加籍港人中國簽證問題 驚動聯邦外交部長狄安; 中國駐加使館亦發聲明. 明報加東網, July 29, 2016
(a) "關慧貞 [Jenny Wai Ching KWAN] 是香港出生的移民 * * * 她有一女一子,均在加拿大出生 * * * 她說:「若我從未拿過簽証進入中國的話,那麼我和我的子女也不能比加拿大人身份到中國訪問或旅遊。加拿大國會議員要用中國的旅行証件訪問中國,這實在不妥當。」在週二的記者招待會上,作為新民主黨移民、難民及公民事務評論員的關慧貞"
(i) New Democratic Party
(NDP; 1961- ; historically Canada's third largest [political] party in Parliament, except during 2011-2015 when it was the second largest)
(ii) Parliament of Canada is composed of Senate and House of Commons. Canada's prime minister (indirectly) appoints senators. Members of the House of Commons -- called members of parliament (MPs) -- are elected through plurality (no need for majority, or 50% of the votes) by constituency, and serves a fixed term of four years SINCE 2006.
(b) Minister of Foreign Affairs (Canada) is Stéphane Dion (male; since 2015)
The French surname Dion is "from any of various places called Dion(s) and Dionne [in France], all apparently derived from a Gaulish element divon- (sacred) spring." |