本帖最后由 choi 于 12-28-2017 11:03 编辑
(e) "This year, to celebrate Shiki's 150th birthday, the city launched a program of haiku-related events, including a recent haiku photo contest, a haiku sensory trail where you can experience the hourly chimes and dancing figurines of the Botchan Karakuri wind-up clock or the scent of incense at Ishite-Ji temple, and the haiku bar trail, where you can hone your haiku techniques while nursing a boozy concoction inspired by your own verse. The idea of the haiku bars comes from the Matsuyama resident Kim Changhee キム・チャンヒ [of Korean descent], a haiku writer, illustrator and editor of Haiku Magazine's 100-Year Haiku Plan [『Haiku Life Magazine 100年俳句計画』編集長]. 'New Orleans has its jazz bars, so Matsuyama should have haiku bars,' he said in terms as simple as a haiku itself."
(i) Botchan Karakuri Clocken. Matsuyama, Shikoku, Japan; The official website of Tourism Matsuyama, undated
("To mark the 100th anniversary of Dōgo Onsen Honkan 道後温泉本館 [the public bathhouse there], the Botchan Karakuri Clock was built in the Hōjōen 放生園 [so called because the place was reclaimed from 放生池 which had been there] plaza in front of Dōgo Onsen Station 道後温泉駅. On the hour between 8:00 and 22:00, the Karakuri Clock comes to life, presenting characters and scenes from Sōseki Natsume's novel Botchan 坊っちゃん set in Matsuyama and Dōgo. The clock is modeled on the Shin-ro-kaku 振鷺閣 of Dōgo Onsen Honkan")
(A) Same web page in Japanese: "坊っちゃんカラクリ時計[:] 1994年、道後温泉本館百周年を記念し、道後温泉駅前の放生園に作られた。8:00~22:00までの1時間ごと(土曜・日曜・祝日及び特別期は30分ごと)にカラクリ時計本体が音楽に合わせてせり上がり、松山を舞台に描かれ、道後温泉も登場する夏目漱石の小説「坊っちゃん」の登場人物が姿を現す。外観は道後温泉本館の振鷺閣をモチーフにしている。"
(B) For 振鷺閣 in 道後温泉本館, go to images.google.com. It is said that having been injured, an egret bathed itself to recover and flied away. That is how the humans discovered the hot spring.
(C) Dōgo Onsen 道後温泉
(日本三古湯の一; 単純温泉 [heated water]; 地熱由来の非火山型の温泉)
section 3 歴史: "白鷺伝説[:] 昔、足を痛めた白鷺が岩の間から流れ出る湯に浸していたところ、傷は癒えて、飛び立って行くのを見て、村人が手を浸すと温かく、温泉であり、効能を確認したという伝説がある。これが道後温泉の発見とされる。 * * * 645年に大化の改新が行われると、現在の今治市の辺りに伊予国の国府 [capital of Iyo Province] が置かれ、京から見て国府よりも遠い地域は「道後」(←→道前、道中 [around the capital of Iyo Province])と呼ばれたことから、後世になるとこの温泉のある一帯が特にそう呼ばれるようになった。"
* 道後温泉 is the oldest hot spring in Japan (the other two are: 有馬温泉(兵庫県), plus 白浜温泉(和歌山県) OR 湯本温泉(福島県).
(ii) Ishi-te-ji 石手寺
("The etiology sees the temple's name changed [from Annoyō-ji 安養寺 since its founding in 729: ja.wikipedia.org] to Ishite-ji or stone-hand temple after the tightly-clenched hand of the newborn son of the lord 河野氏 of Iyo Province was opened by a priest from the Annoyō-ji to reveal a stone inscribed 'Emon Saburō is reborn 衛門三郎再来' ")
The legend is that 河野 衛門三郎 was a bad person, but atoned his sin before 空海/ 弘法大師(774 - 835) when the latter toured Shikoku.
(iii) All information in this sub-section is from ja.wikipedia.org for 夏目 漱石.
NATSUME Sōseki 夏目 漱石 (1867 [same year as 正岡 子規] – 1916; born 夏目 金之助 in Tokyo; grew up there, loved Chinese literature (strongly opposed by his parents as the career, chose to study English in 帝国大学 1890-1893, from which he graduated; went to 高等師範学校 to be an English teacher, where he quit in 1685 and left Tokyo for the first time in his ilfe to become a teacher in Matsuyama high school (while there, 正岡 子規, upon the return from China, spent two months in his pad); in 1896 he went to Kumamoto 熊本市, on 九州, to teach in another high school)
He met at Tokyo 正岡 子規 in 1889, became good friends, discovered himself (夏目) with tuberculosis in 1894 (not necessarily who transmitted whom);
section 1.2 "正岡子規との出会い[:] 1889年(明治22年)、同窓生として漱石に多大な文学的・人間的影響を与えることになる俳人 [haiku poet]・正岡子規と初めて出会う。子規が手がけた漢詩や俳句などの文集『七草集』が学友らの間で回覧されたとき、漱石がその批評を巻末に漢文で書いたことから、本格的な友情が始まる。このときに初めて漱石という号を使う。漱石の名は、唐代の『晋書』にある故事「漱石枕流」(石に漱〔くちすす〕ぎ流れに枕す)から取ったもので、負け惜しみの強いこと、変わり者の例えである。「漱石」は子規の数多いペンネームのうちの一つであったが、のちに漱石は子規からこれを譲り受けている。
My translation: 漱石 was one of many pen names of 子規, who gave 漱石 to 夏目 [who used it ever since]. 漱石 is found in 晋書 (which was compiled in Tang dynasty) as 漱石枕流, which means 負け惜しみ [poor loser] and 変わり者 [(noun) eccentric; oddball].
(iv) 綠滿學堂爬格子 (blogger name), 漱石枕流. 天空部落, Aug 12, 2009.