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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Apr 1, 2019 (II)

发表于 4-3-2019 14:51:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Brandon Presser, Everything's New in Old Kyoto. (in the Pursuits section, for fun).
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/f ... new-to-eat-drink-do

(i) summary underneath the title inprint: A profusion of modern art, eating, and accommodations reveals that Japan's former capital has been a simmering cauldron of fresh ideas all along
(ii) Print and the online version are identical.

(b) " 'You want to know what Japan is? This is Japan,' my friend Misa Matsuda said, plunging her chopsticks through the oil-slick stillness of her soup broth, exhuming long tresses of [ramen, made of wheat] noodles from deep below. It was 2003, and Misa and I had a nightly ritual as teenage students in Tokyo * * * At the time, I was on the hunt for a way to describe to my friends at home what made the country tick. What they were seeing on TV was the stereotypical (and reductive) Harajuku Girl, a look made popular in the US by Gwen Stefani. As Misa put it, our hearty midnight snack was the actual answer. Originally from China—the dish was called Chinese soba until the 1950s—ramen was continually refined by the Japanese, eventually becoming synonymous with its adopted homeland. Like Buddhism and tea ceremonies, it was borrowed from abroad, assimilated, and perfected with time."
(i) Harajuku Girls
(A) Harajuku 原宿 is a neighborhood in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 東京都渋谷区.
(B) 原宿
(section 2        歴史. section 2.1 江戸時代以前, section 2.1.1 地誌による記載: "江戸時代末期に著された地誌 『新編武蔵風土記稿』は、原宿について次のように記載している:「原宿町。当所は古へ相模国鎌倉より奥州筋の往還係て宿駅を置し所故此の名ありと、また村内竜岩寺の伝に、往昔源義家奥州下向の時、渋谷城に滞溜し当所にて軍勢着到せし故 * * *")

my rough translation for 原宿町。当所は古へ相模国鎌倉より奥州筋の往還係て宿駅を置し所故此の名あり: 新編武蔵風土記稿 (written near the end of Edo period) had the following item recorded: 原宿町。The name is after the fact that a post station 宿駅 was established here since ancient times for travelers in both directions between Kamakura in Sagami Province and 奥州筋 [筋 = 地方]

Take notice 武蔵国 Is present-day greater Tokyo, that 相模国 was its southwestern neighbor, and that 奥州 (formally 陸奥国) was in the northeast.
(A) "Soba (そば or 蕎麦 is the Japanese name for buckwheat. It usually refers to thin noodles made from buckwheat flour"  en.wikipedia.org for soba.
(B) "buckwheat is a plant cultivated for its grain-like seeds * * * a domesticated food plant common in Asia and Central and Eastern Europe [implication: not in western Europe of the Americas]. Despite the name, buckwheat is not related to wheat, as it is not a grass. * * * he cultivation of buckwheat grain declined sharply in the 20th century with the adoption of nitrogen fertilizer that increased the productivity of other staples.  The name 'buckwheat' or 'beech wheat' comes from its triangular seeds, which resemble the much larger seeds of the beech nut from the beech tree, and the fact that it is used like wheat. * * * Buckwheat, a short-season crop, does well on low-fertility or acidic soils, but the soil must be well drained. Too much fertilizer, especially nitrogen, reduces yields. In hot climates it can be grown only by sowing late in the season, so that it blooms in cooler weather. * * * Buckwheat is raised for grain where a short season is available, either because it is used as a second crop in the season, or because the climate is limiting. "

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 楼主| 发表于 4-3-2019 14:52:41 | 只看该作者
(c) "So it might seem unexpected that in spite of all the infrastructure required for Tokyo's 2020 Olympic Games, it's Kyoto that's emerging as a hotbed for innovation, particularly where restaurants, art, and accommodations are concerned. By the end of the year, Kyoto will be home to at least three highly anticipated hotels, including, most notably, Japan's first Ace Hotel. Designed by Kengo Kuma and located in the city center, it promises the chain’s trademark breed of carefree cool. Aman, known for its out-of-this-world luxury resorts and $2,000-a-night price tags, makes its debut in November near the iconic Golden Pavilion temple 金閣寺. And the Park Hyatt brand is soon opening 70 rooms in a four-story building near the Kiyomizu-dera temple complex."
(A) Ace Hotel
(1999- ; a chain of hotels headquartered in Los Angeles)
(B) Kengo KUMA and Associates  隈研吾建築都市設計事務所
(based in Tokyo)

The ken and go are both Chinese pronunciations of 研 and 吾, respectively. The word kuma is defined in (d).
(C) Search images.google.com with (ace hotel kengo).
(ii) Aman Resorts
(table: Founded 1988. Founder Adrian Zecha, Headquarters Singapore)

Its Tokyo branch is アマン京都, where アマン is katakana for Aman.
(iii) Kiyomizudera

(d) Japanese-English dictionary:
* kuma くま 《隈; 曲; 阿》 (n): "(1) corner; nook; recess; (2) shadow; shade"
* noki 軒下 【のきした】 (n): "under the eaves"
   ^ noki 軒 【のき】 (n): "eaves"
* te-ori 手織り; 手織 【ており】 (n): "handwoven; handspun; weaving by hand"
* a-e-ru 和える【あえる】 (v): "to dress (vegetables, salad, etc)"
* nyu-yoku 入浴 【にゅうよく】: "(n) bathing; (v) to bathe"
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 楼主| 发表于 4-3-2019 15:00:49 | 只看该作者
(e) "Local artist Shiro Takatani, who co-founded [the key is 'co'] the influential art collective Dumb Type * * * French photographer and Kyoto transplant Lucille Reyboz ルシール・レイボーズ * * * In 2013 she [Reyboz] and her husband, Yusuke NAKANISHI 仲西 祐介, founded an international photography festival called Kyotographie 京都国際写真祭 [yet even in Japanese-language reports, mostly only Kyotographie appears], which hosts exhibitions inside centuries-old buildings, many of them abandoned or disused. * * * Last fall the Kyoto prefectural government [honored the couple]"
(A) Shirō TAKATANI 高谷 史郎
(B) Dumb Type (京都市立芸術大学の学生を中心に結成されたアーティストグループ [katakana for artist group]。1984年に設立され、京都市立芸術大学在学中から海外公演を含めた活発な活動を行う。建築、美術、デザイン [design] 、音楽、ダンス [dance] など異なる表現手段を持つメンバー [member] が参加し、芸術表現の可能性を模索する。 * * * [section 2] メンバー[:] 特徴的なのは、固定メンバーを持たず、リーダーを擁立しない点である。また、各々の個人的な活動も非常に活発である。下記に記すのは、現在までで制作や出演に携わった人物のごく一部である。 [2 name omitted] 高谷史郎 [an alumnus of 京都市立芸術大学] * * ")  ja.wikipedia.org for ダムタイプ  (katakana Dump Type).

my rough translation: 京都市立芸術大学の学生 in 1984 formed Dumb Type, which has manifested in various forms. Its characteristics are: no fixed membership or leader; each person acts on his own. One member is 高谷史郎 [an alumnus of said university]
(ii) Kyoto Prefecture 京都府, of which Kyoto City 京都市 is part.

(f) "Reyboz's British friend David Croll, an expatriate entrepreneur, is co-founder of the Kyoto Distillery. Two years ago he started bottling Ki No Bi 季の美, Japan's first superpremium gin, in a district known for its proud tradition of sake brewing. Its proprietary recipe capitalizes on kyo-yasai 京野菜, the unusual heirloom vegetables and botanicals of the Kyoto region. Ki No Bi has begun to replace whisky as the tipple of choice at cocktail bars around town. Among them is the gin-centric, Alice in Wonderland-inspired Nokishita711, as well as Bar Rocking Chair, run by a world-champion bartender."
(i) There is no Japanese name for David Croll, Nokishita711 and Bar Rocking Chair. However, noki is defined in (d).
(ii) Aiko Yoshiba, Yuka Keitoku and Ikue Kawasaki, Kyo Yasai: Vegetables of Kyoto. The Kyoto Project, Apr 16, 2005
https://thekyotoproject.org/engl ... egetables-of-kyoto/
("Kyo yasai are traditional vegetables in Kyoto")
(A) The Kyoto Distillery 京都蒸溜所
(B) This Distillery is described as "in a district known for its proud tradition of sake brewing." This is untrue.

Kyoto City has the southernmost district: Fushimi-ku 伏見区, which is truly the sake district. The Kyoto Dustillery is located at Minami-ku 南区 of Kyoto City, nestled in the northwestern corner of 伏見区.

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 楼主| 发表于 4-3-2019 15:06:02 | 只看该作者
(g) "Chefs are similarly applying refreshing dashes of whimsy to kyo-yasai and kaiseki 会席 [料理] cuisine, a traditional series of small, intricately prepared dishes that dates back at least 1,000 years. The always-packed Awomb condenses the kaiseki experience onto a single bento platter; it's so photogenic, the restaurant has to enforce a dining time limit on its Instagram-obsessed patrons. At Soujiki Nakahigashi, the hardest reservation to score in Kyoto, the namesake chef Hisao Nakahigashi designs each day’s menu around the produce he personally forages on the nearby mountainside. But whereas most kaiseki meals are carefully structured to follow a prescribed progression, Nakahigashi allows room for improvisation. Overhearing that I live in the Big Apple, for instance, he prepares a course of mountain vegetables gently submerged in a clear broth. 'New York!' he exclaims with a wink as he presents my dish. In Japanese, the name is a double-entendre—nyu-yoku 入浴 [defined on (d)] means 'taking a bath,' like the vegetables in my bowl.  One of Nakahigashi’s protégés, Yoshihiro IMAI 今井 義浩, has a more renegade interpretation of kaiseki cuisine. At his restaurant, Monk [actually spelled monk -- with the first letter in lower case; restaurant-monk.com], the parade of courses marches out of a kilnlike oven and culminates in … a pizza. Monk is the culinary equivalent of the Kyotographie photography festival: Imai reveres tradition while dabbling with international tastes, techniques, and trends. He makes his perfect Neapolitan-style pies with high-grade Japanese flour and kyo-yasai toppings such as manganji pepper (a thicker shishito), red kintoki carrots, and bulbless kujo scallions."
(i) AWOMB(あうーむ)@京都/手織り寿し・手和え寿し・手織り果子
, whose 烏丸本店 is located near 地下鉄烏丸線 ("大部分が上記の烏丸通の下を走ることがその名称の由来": ja.wikipedia.org)

My rough translation: 烏丸線 runs mostly under [a Kyoto thoroughfare] 烏丸通

The Japanese pronunciation of the chain name is a u--mu (where the hyphens signifies a long vowel).

The 手織り寿し・手和え are both defined in (d).
(A) About the restaurant Soujiki Nakahigashi, which is how the operator/owner (see next) wants the English spelling. Another, more common romanization of the same Japanese (also see next) is Sōjiki Nakahigashi. In other words, there are at least two romanization systems, one with ou (this is direct romanization of EACH hiragana) and another ō -- both to signify a long vowel o.
(B) 草喰なかひがし
(店名: 草喰なかひがし; 運営会社: 有限会社草喰なかひがし; 代表 中東 久雄)

なかひがし 中東 (both Japanese pronunciations of the two kanji) is owner/founder's surname.

Kanji 草 has Chinese pronunciation sō, and Japanese pronunciation kusa.

The kanji 喰 is a verb means eat or drink, whose pronunciation jiki is used in name only.
(iii) Neapolitan pizza
(A) shishito
("Shishito pepper (獅子唐辛子 [whose Japanese pronunciation is] Shishitōgarashi) is a sweet, East Asian variety of the species Capsicum annuum. * * * The name refers to the fact that the tip of the chili pepper (唐辛子 tōgarashi) looks like the head of a lion (獅子 shishi); in Japanese it is often abbreviated as shishitō" 獅子唐)
(B) 万願寺とうがらし
("万願寺とうがらし(まんがんじとうがらし [Japanese pronunciation: Manganji tōgarashi])とは、京都府舞鶴市が発祥の京野菜。地元では「万願寺」「万願寺甘唐」とも呼ばれている。 * * * 大正末期から昭和初期にかけて京都府舞鶴市万願寺地区")

My rough translation: Manganji pepper is sweet [not hot], originated in 京都府舞鶴市 in late Meiji to early Showa, and is called locally as 万願寺 or 万願寺甘唐 pthe last two kanji is pronounced ‘amatō’].

万願寺 is a neighborhood (name) in Kyoto surrounding 満願寺. Both of which have the same English spelling: Manganji.
万願寺(舞鶴市): "満願寺とも書いた。地内の満願寺の寺名が転化したものという。"  www.geocities.jp/k_saito_site/doc/tango/manganji.html (This Web page no longer works, Google leaves a summary in its wake).  There exists 満願寺 (京都市左京区).
(v) Kintoki carrot is kyo-yasai.
(A) 金時にんじん
("16世紀に中国から日本に伝わり * * *「赤ら顔の坂田金時」が名称の由来となっている。 * * * 一方で、西洋ニンジンと比べて肉質が柔らかく甘味は強く、ニンジン特有の臭いが少ない"_

my rough translation: transmitted from China in the 16th century * * * The carrot's name comes from red-faced 坂田金時. * * * Compared to carrot from the West, Kintoki carrot is soft and sweet without the former's characteristic odor
(B) 金太郎
(金太郎(きんたろう)は、坂田金時(さかたのきんとき、公時とも) [956-1012] の幼名")

my rough translation: 金太郎 is childhood name of 坂田金時.
(vi) Mayo Yoshikawa and Yuka Minato, Kujo Scallion. The Kyoto Project, Apr 13, 2010
("It's kujo negi 葱, the Kyoto scallion * * * is one of the kyo yasai, or traditional vegetables in the Kyoto region. * * * Originally, scallions came from China. * * * Green onions have a long history in Japan. They have been cultivated since the Edo period (1603-1868). We call them kujo negi because they are mainly grown in Kujo, the southern part of Kyoto")

Kujō Street 九条通り has 九条駅.
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