(a) Hakeem Jeffries (a US House representative and Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus). Twitter, Aug 21, 2019, at 10:30 pm
(full text: "WOW.
This guy [Trump] is having a complete and total meltdown.
The sycophants in the cabinet lack the guts to deploy the 25th Amendment.
Will his family have the good sense to engineer a clinical intervention?
We can only hope")
(b) 特朗普指不会视香港为贸谈筹码 期望能以人道方式解决. RFA, Aug 22, 2019
("特朗普周三(21日)在白宫回应记者提问时再谈到香港问题,否认在美中贸易谈判中打「香港牌」。他希望香港问题能以最人道方式解决,并不是甚么「筹码」,相信中国国家主席习近平有能力做到。 特朗普形容自己是「上天选择」去对付中国的人,指假如没有对中国发动贸易战,他的生活会过得更加轻松。特朗普早前指贸易战即使会对美国经济构成短期影响,亦必须在贸易问题上与中国对抗,因为在过去几十年来中国一直从美国得益")
(c) Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure. White House, Aug 21, 2019.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/brief ... e-one-departure-60/
(i) "South Lawn
11:41 AM EDT
(ii) "Q Are you demanding that Jay Powell[, chair of Federal Reserve, who is independent] lower interest rates? [lower is a verb; the clause following 'demand' has subjunctive mood]
"THE PRESIDENT: No, I don't demand it. But if he used his head, he would lower them. * * * We're much stronger than Germany [economically; in the preceding reply, Trump said 'our economy is the strongest in the world, by far. Nothing even close'] , but we do compete with Germany [to serve national debts, by borrowing internationally]. * * * They [Germans or Germany the nation] borrow money, and they actually get paid to borrow money. And we have to compete with that. * * * Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve have totally missed the call. I was right, and just about everybody admits that. I was right. He did quantitative tightening [opposite of quantitative easing, which essentially releases money into economy -- not by printing money but by buying treasuries from US Department of Treasury] . He shouldn't have done that. He raised interest rates too fast, too furious. * * *
(iii) "Q Mr President, can you explain your decision not to go to Denmark? Is it really because they wouldn't talk about selling Greenland?
"THE PRESIDENT: No — Denmark, I looked forward to going, but I thought that the Prime Minister's statement — that it was absurd; that it was an absurd idea — it was nasty. I thought it was an inappropriate statement. All she had to do is say, 'No, we wouldn't be interested.'
"But we can't treat the United States of America the way they treated us under President Obama. I thought it was a very not nice way of saying something. They could've told me 'no.' This is something that's been discussed for many years. Harry Truman had the idea of Greenland. I had the idea. Other people have had the idea. It goes back into the early 1900s. But Harry Truman, very strongly, thought it was a good idea.
"I think it's a good idea because Denmark is losing $700 million a year with it [Greenland, through funds]. It doesn't do them any good. But all they had to do is say, 'No, we'd rather not do that,' or 'We'd rather not talk about it.' Don't say, 'What an absurd idea that is.'
"Q Sir —
"THE PRESIDENT: Because she's [Denmark prime minister is a woman] not talking to me —
"Q Mr President —
"THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me. She's not talking to me. She's talking to the United States of America. You don't talk to the United States that way, at least under me.
"Now, President Obama, when they wouldn't land — let him land in the Philippines, when they treated him so badly in so many places — the Philippines is one that comes to mind — that's different. That's different. They can treat him any way they want to; that’s up to him. But they can’t treat the United States with a statement, 'How absurd.'
(iv) "Q Mr President, so taking America into a recession: Is it worth it? And do Americans need to back that up?
"THE PRESIDENT: So, the fake news, of which many of you are members, is trying to convince the public to have a recession. 'Let's have a recession.' The United States is doing phenomenally well.
"But one thing I have to do is economically take on China because China has been ripping us off for many years. President Clinton, President Bush, and President Obama, and others should have done this long before me. My life would be much easier — although I enjoy doing it — but my life would be much easier if I just said, 'Let China continue to rip off the United States.' All right? It would be much easier, but I can't do that.
"We are winning against China. They've lost two and a half million jobs in a very short period of time. They want to make a deal. It's got to be a deal that’s good for the United States, where they want to make a deal — probably, we will make a deal.
"But if I didn't do that — and I'm not doing this — somebody said it's Trump's trade war. This isn't my trade war. This is a trade war that should have taken place a long time ago by a lot of other Presidents.
"Over the last five or six years, China has made $500 billion. $500 billion. Ripped it out of the United States. And not only that — if you take a look, intellectual property theft. Add that to it. And add a lot of other things to it. So somebody —
"Q (Inaudible.)
"THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me. Somebody had to do it. I am the chosen one. Somebody had to do it. So I’m taking on China. I’m taking on China on trade. And you know what? We’re winning. Because we’re the piggybank. We’re the one that all these countries — including the European Union — wants to rob and takes advantage of. European Union — $200 billion [US and EU goods and services trade deficit in 2018 was $109b, composed of goods trade deficit $169b and services trade surplus $60b: per office of US Trade Representative]. China — more than $500 billion. Sorry.
"Q So it sounds like a recession is worth it —
"THE PRESIDENT: I was put here —
"Q — is that what you're saying?
"THE PRESIDENT: I was put here by people — I was put here by people to do a great job. And that’s what I’m doing. And nobody has done a job like I’ve done.
"Now, would China rather wait for a little more than a year and try and get Sleepy Joe Biden to negotiate with, instead of President Trump? Maybe. But I don't think so. You know why? They're losing too many jobs too fast. They had the worst year in 27 years, but I think it was actually 52 or 54 years. It's the worst year they've had in a half a century. And that's because of me. And I'm not proud of that. But you know what? They want to negotiate.
"And Sleepy Joe doesn't have a clue. Sleepy Joe said, 'Oh, China is wonderful.' Well, China is wonderful for China. But I'm wonderful for the USA.
(v) "Q Did Hong Kong give you leverage in the China talks? Does Hong Kong give you leverage in the China talks — in the negotiation?
"THE PRESIDENT: I don’t view it as leverage, no. I hope Hong Kong works out in a very humane way. I don’t view it as leverage or non-leverage. I hope it works out in a humane way. And I think that President Xi has the ability to make sure that happens.
(d) President Trump tweeted -- in three (3) tweets -- shortly after 7:30 am, Aug 21, quotingWayne Allyn Root (WITHIN internal quotation marks -- ' -- below):
"Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words. 'President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world...and the Jewish people in Israel love him....
....like he's the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don't know him or like him. They don't even know what they're doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that's OK, if he keeps doing what he's doing, he's good for.....
....all Jews, Blacks, Gays, everyone. And importantly, he's good for everyone in America who wants a job.' Wow! @newsmax @foxandfriends @OANN"
(i) For Obama's landing or not in the Philippines, see Glenn Kessler, Trump's Bizarre Claim That Obama 'Never Got to Land' in the Philippines. Washington Post, Nov 15, 2017.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/n ... ines/?noredirect=on
(ii) Luke 9:35 (pronounced Book of Luke, chapter 9, verse 35).
King James Version (published in 1611): And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.
New International Version (NIV; published in 1978): A voice came from the cloud, saying, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him."
English Standard Version (ESV; published in 2001): And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, "This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!"
(A) 1 Peter 2:4 has similar message, where "1 Peter" is First Epistle of Peter or First Peter.
(B) epistle (n; from Ancient Greek; First Known Use 13th century): "letter"