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发表于 11-24-2021 13:07:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 松仁, 因应台海军力失衡,拜登总统任内美军在台人数翻番. VOA Chinese, Nov 24, 2021
https://www.voachinese.com/a/Pen ... 211124/6326133.html
("《外交政策》杂志近日引述五角大楼的资料报道说,随着美国对台海紧张情势的担忧升高,派驻台湾的美军人数也不断增多,目前已接近40人,而且隶属不同的军种。这些军人的任务一是保护美国在台北实质上的大使馆,即美国在台协会(AIT)台北办事处;二是训练台湾的武装部队。  《外交政策》根据美国国防部“国防人力数据中心”的资料指出,在台美军的人数今年6月约为30人左右,而目前则已经增加到39名。其中29名来自陆战队,5名来自空军,3名来自海军,2名来自陆军。  此外,五角大楼常年派驻台湾的文职人员人数未变,一直维持在15人左右")

, which is based on

Jack Detsch, Pentagon Quietly Puts More Troops in Taiwan; Deeper US engagement comes as the wisdom of strategic ambiguity is increasingly questioned. ForeignPolicy, Nov 18, 2021.
https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/1 ... roops-taiwan-china/

(a) 方德豪, 摩通行政總裁:摩根大通將比中國共產黨更長壽 翌日跪低稱後悔. RFA, Nov 24, 2021.

Note: There is no "跪低," only "後悔."
(b) The above is based on

David Henry and Anshuman Daga, Jamie Dimon Jokes That JPMorgan Will Outlast China's Communist Party. Reuters, Nov 24, 2021 ("12:21 AM EST" which preceded the next report of the same by nine hours; the next report states Dimon regreted, which this Reuters report did not have).
https://www.reuters.com/business ... t-party-2021-11-23/
("英國《金融時報》報道,戴蒙周二(23日)出席波士頓學院首席執行官俱樂部(一個商業論壇)時發言表示:「我有一天開了一個玩笑,共產黨正在慶祝成立100年。摩根大通也是如此。我敢打賭,我們會更長壽。」 * * * 摩根大通自1921年起在中國開展業務,同年中國共產黨成立。它曾表示,中國的增長對該銀行及其客戶來說是最大的機會之一")

(a) The next report was
Did You Hear the One About Jamie Dimon and China's Communist Party?  Bloomberg, Nov 24, 2021 ​
("I regret and should not have made that comment. I was trying to emphasize the strength and longevity of our company")
(b) JPMorgan Chase
(JPMorgan Chase was founded in 2000 through merger. "The company's oldest predecessor institution, the Bank of the Manhattan Company, was the third oldest banking corporation in the United States, and the 31st oldest bank in the world, having been established on September 1, 1799, by Aaron Burr")

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