本帖最后由 choi 于 4-2-2024 11:47 编辑
Katie Hunt, Ancient DNA Reveals Intriguing Details About a Sixth Century Chinese Emperor. CNN, Mar 28, 2024
https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/28/a ... r-wu-scn/index.html
, which is based on
DU Panxin * * * WEN Shaoqing, Ancient genome of the Chinese Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou. Current Biology, published online March 28, 2024 ("free").
(i) 南北朝
(420—589; "南朝(420—589)包含宋、齐、梁、陈等四朝l 北朝(439—581)包含北魏、东魏、西魏、北齐和北周等五朝")
• in 420 AD, "刘宋代 [东] 晋"
• in 439, "北魏灭北凉统一华北"
• in 581, "580年北周宣帝 [武帝長子; reign 578-579 (died of illness)] 去世后,权臣杨坚 [a Han Chinese, who was father-in-law of 宣帝] 于隔年废北周静帝 [宣帝長子 AND 杨坚's grandson] 自立,建国隋朝,即隋文帝" zh.wikipedia.org for "隋灭陈之战."
• in 589, 隋灭陈.
(ii) 周武帝
(543—578; reign 560-578; table: 安葬 孝陵 [今陕西省咸阳市; 1994年至1995年由陕西省考古队对其进行发掘])
(b) Shaoqing Wen 文少卿, 复旦大学 进化生物学研究中心 and 科技考古研究院 副教授
(c) "we have successfully generated a 0.343×-coverage genome of Wudi with 1,011,419 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the 1240k panel."
(i) "0.343×-coverage genome of Wudi"
(A) A genome is the total, complete of an individual (such as human, animal, plant: a term usually reserved for higher organism, not bacteria or virus)
(B) The "0.343×" means a third of his genome, where the "x" means "time" (as in three twice, times).
(ii) SNP means a single-nucleotide difference between individuals. Most of the time, the difference made no difference, but once in a blue moon, a SNP (or, a difference in a single nucleotide may determine eye color, skin color, etc).
(iii) The "1240k" means 1,240,000 (more than a million) SNP that could be different among different persons. That is, among potential 1,249,000 potential differences, this tram obtained 1,011,419, or about a five sixths of SNPs.
(d) CNN mentions "Jeong Hoongwon, an associate professor at Seoul National University’s School of Biological Sciences."
Jung (Korean surname) 鄭, 丁, 程
("also often spelled Jeong, Chung") |