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简易版 生产意愿书范例一则 zz

发表于 2-13-2009 13:26:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



BIRTH PLAN FOR _____ AND _______

We have prepared this Birth Plan to help you understand our philosophy and the kind of care we hope to have for the birth of our child. The pregnancy has gon e very well thus far. We have been careful to eat well and stay fit, and have done everything we can to prepare for a healthy and uncomplicated birth. We have chosen our obstetrician, Dr. ____, because she shares our desire for a low-intervention birth and respects our need for good communication. We wish for as natural a birth as possible, avoiding unnecessary procedures and medications. However, if medications or procedures become necessary, we ask that you discuss them with us in advance so that we can participate in the decision making.

It is important to us that we remain together at all times during the labor and delivery (vaginal or cesarean). We would like to have our labor coach, ____, stay with us throughout, as well.

We hope to avoid routine procedures (e.g., prep, enema), to delay introduction of an IV feed unless needed, and to keep the number of vaginal examinations to a minimum. If procedures or medications are proposed, we ask that you discuss them with us and suggest alternative therapies or comfort measures so that we can make well-informed decisions.

We would like to have the option of sucking on ice chips, and may also want to try walking, different labor positions, and perhaps a hot shower for pain relief in labor.

As long as things are progressing well, we prefer intermittent monitoring with an external fetal monitor. We very much want to avoid internal fetal monitorin g unless it is specifically medically indicated.

Because we want labor to progress at a natural pace, we hope to avoid artificia l induction or augmentation of labor (e.g., amniotomy, stripping of membranes, pitocin). We would also like to avoid an episiotomy and try perineal support o r hot compresses instead.

We would like to have a mirror placed so that mother can watch the birth, and, if things are progressing well, mother would like to be allowed to touch the baby's head as it begins to crown.

It is very important to us to hold and nurse our baby immediately after birth, and to have the weighing and bathing done in our room so that we can watch. If this is not possible, we would like to have father stay with the baby at all times. Also, we ask that you discuss any routine neonatal procedures with us before they are performed.

We plan to exclusively breastfeed our baby, and therefore request that s/he not be given bottles, water, or a pacifier without our prior approval. We also would like to have a private maternity room with 24 hour rooming in, and a cot or comfortable chair for father.

We thank you for taking the time to go over this Birth Plan, and appreciate your cooperation in getting our new family off to great start.

Patient ________________________ _________ Coach ________________________ _________ Physician ________________________


※ 来源:.一路BBS yilubbs.com.[FROM:]

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 楼主| 发表于 2-13-2009 14:21:35 | 只看该作者

继续补充Re: 生产意愿书范例一则 zz



Birth Plan

[my name (husband's name)]

Obstetrician: name Doula: name Hospital: name

My husband, _____ _____, and the doula, _____ _____, should be present with me throughout labor and delivery.

Corrective Lenses: I need to wear contact lenses or glasses at all times when conscious, as my vision is so bad that being without corrective lenses is unbearably disorienting. This should not be a problem, as my contact lenses take very little time to remove in the event of an emergency, and furthermore are extended wear, so there would be no problem if they were left in my eyes for an extended period of time, up to a week, including periods of sleep. My husband will have my glasses in case I need to remove my lenses.

External Fetal Monitoring: We do not wish to have continuous fetal monitoring unless required by the condition of the baby. We expect that there will be a period of being monitored by the external fetal monitoring upon first arriving at the hospital, and afterwards monitoring will be intermittant as long as everything looks ok.

Prep: I would prefer to avoid an enema or extensive shaving of pubic hair.

Free Movement: I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor. I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth, including squatting.

IV: I do not want an IV unless I become dehydrated. If necessary, I will accept having a device (heparin lock?) inserted into a vein so that an IV can be started up quickly when needed, but without the IV being connected until it is needed.

Artificial Rupture of Amniotic Membrane: I do not wish to have the amniotic membrane ruptured artificially before the birth unless signs of fetal distress require an internal monitor. I do not want the internal monitor unless the baby has already shown some sign of distress.

Fluids by mouth throughout first stage of labor.

Anesthesia and Pitocin: I do not wish to use any anesthesia unless I request it during labor. I will want local anesthesia for repair of tears or of episiotomy, of course. I do not want routine pitocin to be used; we should be allowed to try position changes and nipple stimulation before pitocin is used.

Episiotomy: I do not wish an episiotomy unless required to avoid an extensive tear. I would prefer a medium-sized tear to an episiotomy, although I imagine that it may be hard to judge how much tearing will occur. I intend to take all possible measures to avoid the need for an episiotomy.

Birth: I would like to be allowed to hold the child immediately after birth. We would prefer that the cord not be cut immediately, but given a few minutes to cease functioning first.

Caesarian: If a caesarian is necessary, I wish to have an epidural for anesthesia, and to have my husband and, if possible, [the doula's name] present for the birth. The child, if he is not in distress, should be given to my husband.

Circumcision: We do not wish to have circumcision performed in the hospital. (Better to go to a specialist who uses local anesthesia, if you want this done.)

Breastfeeding: I intend to breastfeed the infant and do not wish to have any bottles given to him, including glucose water. [This was not followed, which caused big troubles!!!]

Rooming-in: We would like to have the baby remain with us in our room. We do not want the baby to be taken away from us unless he requires medical treatment, or unless we request to have him taken to the nursery. We would like to have the baby examined in our presence.

【 在 SunnyStare (一脑袋糨子) 的大作中提到: 】
: 原帖链接:http://www.fensende.com/Users/swnymph/
: 简易版:
: BIRTH PLAN FOR _____ AND _______
: We have prepared this Birth Plan to help you understand our philosophy and the kind of care we hope to have for the birth of our child. The pregnancy has gon e very well thus far. We have been careful to eat well and stay fit, and have done everything we can to prepare for a healthy and uncomplicated birth. We have chosen our obstetrician, Dr. ____, because she shares our desire for a low-intervention birth and respects our need for good communication. We wish for as natural a birth as possible, avoiding u
: ...................

※ 来源:.一路BBS yilubbs.com.[FROM:]

※ 修改:.SunnyStare 于 Feb 13 17:22:00 修改本文.[FROM:]
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2-13-2009 14:47:28 | 只看该作者

Re: 继续补充Re: 生产意愿书范例一则 zz



vision 视力
pubic hair 阴毛
IV 静脉注射
amniotic membrane 羊膜
caesarian 剖宫产
circumcision 包皮环切术
episiotomy 外阴切开术

【 在 SunnyStare (一脑袋糨子) 的大作中提到: 】
: 继续补充:
: Birth Plan
: [my name (husband's name)]
: Obstetrician: name Doula: name Hospital: name
: My husband, _____ _____, and the doula, _____ _____, should be present with me throughout labor and delivery.
: Corrective Lenses: I need to wear contact lenses or glasses at all times when conscious, as my vision is so bad that being without corrective lenses is unbearably disorienting. This should not be a problem, as my contact lenses take very little time to remove in the event of an emergency, and furthermore are extended wear, so there would be no problem if they were left in my eyes for an extended period of time, up to a week, including periods of sleep. My husband will have my glasses in case I need to remo
: ...................


※ 修改:.SunnyStare 于 Feb 13 17:49:51 修改本文.[FROM:]

※ 修改:.SunnyStare 于 Feb 13 17:58:45 修改本文.[FROM:]

※ 修改:.SunnyStare 于 Feb 13 18:01:07 修改本文.[FROM:]

※ 来源:.一路BBS yilubbs.com.[FROM:]

※ 修改:.SunnyStare 于 Feb 14 16:45:46 修改本文.[FROM:]
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 3-25-2009 15:03:52 | 只看该作者

Re: 继续补充Re: 生产意愿书范例一则 zz



【 在 SunnyStare 的大作中提到: 】
: 学单词:
: vision 视力
: pubic hair 阴毛
: IV 静脉注射
: amniotic membrane 羊膜
: caesarian 剖宫产
: circumcision 包皮环切术
: (以下引言省略...)

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使用道具 举报

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