BBC Chinese, Feb. 13, 2010.
(1) 吴燕玲, 台湾来鸿:外带年菜上桌. BBC Chinese, Feb. 11, 2010.
My comment:
(a) Maybe the writer came from central or north China--central China for
sure: "祖籍苏州生于上海再落脚于台的奶奶;" anyway not Cantonese that I am--I
am not familiar with the dishes she mentions.
(b) 荸荠: 马蹄 in Cantonese and water chestnut in English.
Eleocharis dulcis
(actually not a nut at all)
When I first came to US, at Chicago, an American told me she enjoyed Chinese
food, with "water chestnut" and so on. I asked her what it was, and she was
surprised I did not know (because I knew it by Cantonese name and did not
correlate it with 荸荠). Much like I did not know who "Jackie Chan" was.
(2) 台湾民众过年喜洋洋. VOA Chinese, Feb. 13, 2010.
My comment: I reiterate that it was/is a ghost town during Chinese New Year
in Taiwan. However it is conceivable that 台北市迪化街 is different. But I
did not go there--and was not interested--while in Taiwan.