From a different perspective--China reaching new depth--on the same topic.
(1) Chen Xin, Submersible dives into ocean elite of nations. China Daily, Aug. 27, 2010.
"A domestic submersible has reached a depth of 3,759 meters, making China the fifth country in the world to acquire deep-diving technology surpassing the 3,500-meter mark
" designed to reach a depth of 7,000 meters and operate in most of the world's oceans * * * Jiaolong is considered to be the world's only deep-sea vessel that can theoretically reach those depths. Japan's Shinkai 6500 has a depth capability of 6,500 meters.
"In an experiment when it landed on the seafloor, it placed the Chinese flag and a sign depicting the legendary dragon's palace onto the seabed with a robotic arm.
(a) Jiaolong 蛟龙号
(b) Shinkai 6500: Despite "しんかい6500" in Japan, "しんかい" (pronounced "shinkai") has 深海 as corresponding Kanji.
(2) China: A Stealth Move to Make an Underwater Claim. New York Times, Aug. 27, 2010 (from Reuters).
("In 2007, a Russian expedition descended in a pair of vessels more than two miles under the ice cap and deposited a Russian flag on the seabed at the North Pole")
My comment:
(a) 1 mile = 5,280 feet =1.6 kilometers
(b) This Reuters piece refers to
Russia's seabed flag heralds global ocean carve-up. Reuters. Aug. 15, 2007.
("Moscow announced this month that explorers had planted a rust-free Russian tricolor beneath the North Pole in waters 4,261 meters (13,980 [feet]) deep")
【 在 choi 的大作中提到: 】
: BBC Chinese Aug. 26, 2010.
: http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/china/2010/08/100826_southchinasea.shtml
: ---------------------------Separately
: (1) Yoichi KATO, China's anti-ship missile is nearly operational. Asahi Shimbun, Aug. 26, 2010.
: http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201008250379.html
: (以下引言省略...)
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