Martin Fackler, Japan Blocks the Young, Stifling the Future. New York Times, Jan 28, 2011.
Kenichi Horie "moved to Taiwan two years ago to study Chinese. 'Japanese companies are wasting the young generations to protect older workers,' said Mr. Horie, now 36. 'In Japan, they closed the doors on me. In Taiwan, they tell me I have a perfect résumé.'
"Japan’s news media are now filled with grim accounts of how university seniors face a second “ice age” in the job market, with just 56.7 percent receiving job offers before graduation as of October 2010 — an all-time low.
(a) Shigeyuki JO/ The Truth of Generational Inequalities
高橋 亮平, 小黒 一正 and 城 繁幸, 世代間格差ってなんだ; 若者はなぜ損をするのか? PHP (2010)
(i) 格差 【かくさ】 (n): "qualitative difference; disparity"
(ii) なんだ 《何だ》 (int): "What! 「そっか。暇なら掃除しといて。」「なんだそれ。兄貴をアゴで使うなよ。」 'Oh? If you're free get the cleaning done.' 'What's up with that? Don't order your brother around!'"
(b) Manabu SHIMASAWA/ Akita University 島澤 諭/ 秋田大学
(c) Yuki HONDA/ University of Tokyo 本田 由紀
(d) For Welfare Ministry, see Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 厚生労働省
(f) For Trade Ministry, see Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 経済産業省
(g) Yuichiro ITAKURA 板倉 雄一郎
(h) Takafumi HORIE 堀江 貴文
(i) comeuppance (n; come up + -ance): "a deserved rebuke or penalty" www.m-w.com
(j) Noritoshi FURUICHI 古市 憲寿
(k) Ryohei TAKAHASHI/ city council member of City of Ichikawa 高橋 亮平/ 市川市議
Youth Manifesto 若者マニフェスト
(l) freeter フリーター
* Freeter Union - フリーター全般労働組合 Part-timer, Arbeiter, Freeter & Foreign Worker . . .
* My guess: a freeter in Japan is equivalent to a freelancer in US.
* The "arbeiter" is German for "worker" (a male noun)--female noun being arbeiterin.