VOA Chinese, Sept 29, 2011
卡内基民主基金会(Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)亚洲项目高级研究员史文(Michael Swaine),星期三在大西洋理事会一场有关美国与台海未来发展的研讨会中表示: "美国的政策最终是要实现美国的利益,六项保证并非以鲜血写下, 它们不是美国法律.
My comment: Regarding quotation 2, whcih does not name the the senior official "资深官员." Indeed Liberty Times used the same term without naming the official, either. Presumably the senior official had asked to speak on background.
曹郁芬, 重申對台六保證 美:軍售未與中諮商; 官員指軍售有助台海穩定. Liberty Times, Sept 23, 2011.
(a) 上海地铁官方道歉贴失而重现的经过. VOA Chinese, Sept 29, 2011
(b) 轻度追尾,严重抨击. VOA Chinese, Sept 29, 2011
(2) 全球打击假药 中国假药大行其道. BBC Chinese, Sept 29, 2011.
(3) 英国男子承认杀害华裔女子刘佳. BBC Chinese, Sept 29, 2011
(b) Nick Britten, Jia Ashton Murder: the Drifter Who Killed for a Mobile Phone and MP3 Player. Daily Telegraph, Sept 29, 2011
Note: The report states, "At 6ft 2in and weighing 21st, Simmonds saw Miss Ashton, 25, who was only 4ft 11in and six and a half stone, as an easy target."
Of course I do not know British measurements.
(i) stone (imperial mass)
"Although the United Kingdom's 1985 Weights and Measures Act expressly prohibited the use of the stone as a unit of measure for purposes of trade (other than as a supplementary unit), the stone remains widely used within the United Kingdom and in Ireland as a means of expressing human body weight. People in these countries normally describe themselves as weighing, for example, '11 stone 4' (11 stones and 4 pounds), rather than "72 kilograms" in most other countries, or '158 pounds' (the conventional way of expressing the same weight in the United States and Canada).
"When used as the unit of measurement, the plural form of stone is correctly stone (as in, "11 stone"),
Obviously a stone is fourteen (14) pouunds. So six and a half stone is 91 pounds.
(ii) In addition, "weigh 21st" means weigh 21 stone. In the web, a Briton asked, "am i fat if i weigh 21st 13lbs and i'm 6 feet 7 inches tall?"
"[W]eighing 21st" means 294 pounds.