(1) Vincent M Mallozzi, Turtles Show Way to Prosperity. New York Times, Dec 27, 2011
http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.co ... scp=1&sq=taiwan turtle&st=cse
"The turtles in a large aquarium in a Midtown window often bring passers-by to a halt, even those used to seeing the unexpected. 'Everyone who passes this store wants to know about the turtles,' said Johnny Lu, whose business specializes in the manufacture and sale of coral and pearl jewelry. 'I tell them that my family owes everything we have to the turtles.'
"To help illustrate his point, Mr. Abdelrahman pointed to a wall filled with photographs and letters from first ladies who have worn Lu pearls, including Michelle Obama, Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan, and from Margaret Thatcher, the former British prime minister. 'The beautiful coral tree with the amethyst base is a work of art and one I will always treasure,' Mrs Reagan wrote to Mr. Lu in 1981 after visiting the family’s pearl factory in Taipei.
My comment:
(a) Well, I did not know Taiwan produced pearls.
(b) I have no idea what coral shell is. coral is not a shell or in a shell.
(2) David Hammond, Food Detective: Exploring world of Taiwanese food. Chicago Sun-Times, Jan 1`0, 2012.
http://www.suntimes.com/lifestyl ... taiwanese-food.html