VOA Chinese, Aug 24, 2012.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 120824/1495036.html
Note: The report cites the following.
(2) James R Holmes, The Sino-Japanese Naval War of 2012; OK, it's probably not going to happen. But if it did, who would win? Foreign Policy, Aug 20, 2012 (blog).
http://www.foreignpolicy.com/art ... _war_of_2012?page=0,0
(a) Battle of the Yalu River
(simplified Chinese: 黄海海战, Japanese: Kōkai-kaisen 黃海海戰; Sept 17, 1894)
close-run (adj): "BRITISH won or settled by only a few points, votes etc"
(b) Edward Luttwak
(1942- )
(c) The essay continued, "In his classic account, The Naval War of 1812, Theodore Roosevelt explained the US Navy's success in single-ship duels against Britain's Royal Navy as a product of quality ship design and construction and superior fighting prowess: in other words, of material and human factors."
Theodore Roosevelt, The Naval War of 1812; Or, The History of the United States Navy During the Last War with Great Britain, to which is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans (1882). Project Gutenberg, undated.
(3) 日美军事针对中国举措接二连三.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... _us_diplomacy.shtml
(a) 自衛隊 統合幕僚長 岩崎 茂 (the way Japanese write it) Shigeru IWASAKI, Self-Defense Forces Chief of Staff
(b) 美国参谋长联席会议主席马丁·登普西 Martin DEMPSEY, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(c) The report quotes NHK as saying (probably in Japanese; anyway not in English or Chinese) "官方电视台NHK说:'海基X波段雷达已在日本东北的青森县部署.'
(i) Sea-based X-band Radar
(ii) Aomori Prefecture
(The capital is the city of Aomori)
(d) The report ends with, "这个月内,日本自卫队和美军已先后展开两场联合军演,一个是8月19日开始在日本大分县日出生台演习场 * * * 另一个日美联合军演是从8月21日开始在太平洋关岛一带实施内容更为保密的夺岛训练,这个预定到9月26日结束的长达37天军演,是日本防卫大臣森本敏8月初访美、与美国国防部长帕内塔会谈时才决定的。与防卫省关系密切的《产经新闻》是至今日本唯一披露消息的主要传媒,报道说,日本陆上自卫队40人与美国海军陆战队第三陆战远征军(3MEF)几百人首次在美属关岛举行夺岛训练。"
(i) 大分県 Ōita Prefecture
(The prefectural capital is the city of Ōita)
(ii) 日出生台
pronounced Hijudai.
(iii) Marine Expeditionary Force
(MEF; section 2.1.3 III Marine Expeditionary Force" based at Camp Butler, Okinawa, Japan)