Holly Finn, Cameras Aim for a Bigger Picture; Ready to see around corners and 'log' your life? Wall Street Journal, Dec 15, 2012.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 73590069004134.html
My comment:
(i) The Irish surname Finn is "reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Finn ‘descendant of Fionn’, a byname meaning ‘white’ or ‘fair-haired.’"
(ii) The surname Kafka--Czech and Jewish (from Bohemia)--is from kavka ‘jackdaw.’
(A) For jackdaw, see Western Jackdaw
(or simply Jackdaw)
(B) kavka
(noun; Czech and Slovene for "jackdaw")
(b) CORNAR; Looking around corners using Femto-Photography, Camera Culture, MIT Media Lab, undated.
(i) The weg page offers a citation of its own paper:
Velten A et al, Recovering Three-Dimensional Shape around a Corner using Ultra-Fast Time-of-Flight Imaging.” Nature Communications, 3: 745-758 (March 2012)
(ii) In the entire web page,
(A) go straight to the section whose heading is Frequently Asked Questions, and
(B) read only ONE question: How can one take a photo of photons in motion at a trillion frames per second?
(A) pico- : trillionth
(B) femto-
(iv) It is unclear how soon, if ever, the technology will be commercialized.
(b) The article talks about "Lytro's software lets you adjust everything from focus to perspective afterward."
(i) Make the impossible possible. Change your perspective. Lytro, undated.
(ii) In other words, the preceding URL can be independently achieved by clicking, at the home page, the "CAMERA" tag in the top horizontal bar.
(c) Mwemoto does not have its own website yet.
(i) Memoto Lifelogging Camera, by Memoto. Kickstarter.com, undated.
http://www.kickstarter.com/proje ... -lifelogging-camera
(ii) The first video, but not the text, will give you an idea of the size of the gadget.