(1) Frank Langfitt, Furniture Work Shifts From N.C. To South China. NPR, Dec
. 18, 2009.
Note: Dalingshan 东莞市大岭山镇
Quote: "[M]ore than 300,000 furniture jobs have disappeared from the United
States this decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
(a) 台商谈如何因应广东省经营环境变化. VOA Chinese, Dec. 19, 2009.
(b) 大陆台商分析东南亚与中国大陆投资环境. VOA Chinese, Dec. 20, 2009
("时至今日,[Taiwanese] 张文益说,以2009年的投资环境比较,泰国在公共设施上已
(3) Clifford Coonan, Fair play to Chinese toy makers. The National, Dec. 20,
Note: The National (Abu Dhabi)
(an English-language daily newspaper founded in 2008)
"The start of the year saw widespread closures in Guangdong’s toy factories
and the worst hit was Dongguan, the centre of the industry, which had more
than 4,000 factories and about 2,000 suppliers in the boom period of 2001.
"This cooled as production costs began to rise, but Dongguan stayed strong
until last year when the crisis began to bite. Smaller players, unable to
compete, quit the business but this led to consolidation in the sector and
greater efficiencies.
"Millions of migrant workers were out of jobs but the situation turned
quickly. Of the 20 million people made redundant in China early this year,
about 14 million had found work by June, government figures show. By the
next month, some toy companies even had difficulty filling vacancies.
My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report.
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