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发表于 4-12-2010 16:23:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


National Committee
    China Democracy Party
     136-31 41 Avenue Suite 4A

    Flushing, NY 11355
    Tel. (718) 577-1954
    April 11, 2010
    Press Release
    China Democracy Party's Statement on Hu Jintao's visit to the United States
    by the National Committee of China Democracy Party
    On April 12 and 13, Chinese President Hu Jintao will visit the United States, attend the Nuclear Security Summit, and discuss with US President Obama on bilateral relations as well as important global issues. The National Committee of China Democracy Party therefore makes the following statement addressed to this visit:
    1 中美关系是中国最重要的双边关系;中美之间的交流是中国近年经济高速发展的最重要动力之一;中国民主党高度重视中美之间的交往和关系。
     1.Sino-U.S relation is the most important bilateral relations for China; The communication between China and U.S became one of the crucial driving forces for the rapid growth of the national economic in China in recent years; China Democracy Party accords great importance to Sino-U.S communication and relations.
    2, Both the World and Chinese people wish the rising China could become a significant power in promoting humanity peace in global affairs. However, Chinese Communist Party often allies with those dictators who are threatening world peace and boycotting democracies who are promoting the progress of human society. China Democracy Party condemns Chinese Communist Party who, based on its own political interest, discredits the reputation of China as a glorious nation in the world. China Democracy Party will publish a White Paper on international Relations and tell Chinese people and the World our international policy programme on how China as a power can be a positive force in making peace and progress in world politics.
    3 中国民主党更关注中美峰会中的双边关系议题。由于中国共产党坚持一党专制,追求片面发展,少数权贵垄断发展机会并利用国家暴力强行推行牺牲大众利益的发展模式,导致多数中国公民并没有公平地分享发展的成果。中国民主党希望此次峰会不限于讨论经济、而且应当包括人权与政治议题。美国应该在中国的更全面发展中发挥更积极地作用,成为中国解决自身问题、全面健康发展的动力。
    3 China Democracy Party are more concerned with the bilateral relations during the Sino-U.S summit. Because Chinese Communist Party insists on one Party dictatorship and pursues economic development without constitutional democracy; the opportunities of development are monopolized by small group of corruptive and tyrannical elites, and majority Chinese citizens pay the cost of development but do not fairly enjoy its profit. China Democracy Party expects the Summit will not only focus on economic issues, but also discusses human rights and political issues. The United States should play a more active role in a complete development of China.
    China Democracy Party will work with all Chinese transferring the One Party Dictatorship ruled China into a constitutional democracy, to make China as the homeland for all Chinese with security, dignity, justice, humanity and healthy development, and as a strong force in promoting world peace and humanity progress.
    中国民主党全国委员会共同主席 王有才 王军涛
    Dr. Youcai Wang and Dr. Juntao Wang
    Co-Chairman of the National Committee of China Democracy Party
    April, 11, 2010


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