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(1) 生父要求道歉: 我儿怎成张艺谋之子? 华西都市报, 2013年05月09日 16:12:32 (9 hours ago)
("5月7日 孩子的亲生父亲(摄影师郭某)致电《南都娱乐周刊》说明情况,随后《南都娱乐周刊》发长微博澄清:一些门户网站在引用我刊关于张艺谋 [with 再婚妻子陈婷] 二子曝光的文字报道时,自行错误配发了张艺谋与一个小孩的合影及错误图说。该刊本期报道里未出现过此图片")
(2) Josh Chin, Zhang Yimou Investigation Sparks One-Child Debate. China Real Time Report, May 9, 2013 ... s-one-child-debate/
("The brief Xinhua article followed local media reports, which China Real Time has been unable to confirm, quoting Wuxi officials as saying the 61-year-old director may have as many as seven children and could face fines as high as 160 million yuan ($26 million)")
Note: The report cites
传张艺谋有七子女 无锡计生委调查. 新京报, 2013年05月09日 07:37:14 (22 hours ago)