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In China, One in Five Children Live in Rural Villages Without Their Parents

发表于 12-31-2013 08:24:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
William Wan, In China, One in Five Children Live in Rural Villages Without Their Parents. Washington Post, Dec 31, 2013.
www.washingtonpost.com/world/asi ... 997fb0c0_story.html

(i) Zhuzhou  (where the barber shop is)  湖南省 株洲市
(ii) "The barber who posted the note, WU Hongwei 吴红伟, and his wife, WANG Yuan 汪源"
(iii) "Wu, 24, left the tiny village of Zhaishi in the craggy mountains of Hunan province eight years ago. Staying would have meant back-breaking labor for just $3 a day — when work could be found. The tall, lanky young man bought a bus ticket to the city of Zhangzhou 福建省漳州市, where his uncle took him on as an unpaid barber’s apprentice. Wu then moved to Zhuzhou, where he got a job pulling in $500 a month. "

"Village of Zhashi" can be
湖南省 邵阳市 隆回县 羊古坳乡 寨石村
湖南省 怀化市 通道侗族自治县 播阳镇 寨什村

邵阳市 and 怀化市 are neighbors, both at the southwestern, mountainous region of Hunan. But news reports in China identify the latter.
(b) 洪菲 and 王敏, 株洲理发店主写请假条回家看女儿 顾客留言同意批假; 电话里,两岁女儿不愿叫爸爸了. 株洲网, Aug 15, 2013.
www.zhuzhouwang.com/portal/xw/zz ... 372818201914067.htm

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