本帖最后由 choi 于 4-20-2014 18:54 编辑
Lido Vizzutti, An Overdue Haircut. New York Times, Apr 20, 2014 (a photo essay titled Backdrop, in Sunday Business section).
(“Four million sheep are shorn each year in the United States, said Rita Samuelson, marketing director for the American Wool Council, producing wool with a value of about $49 million”)
slide show:
(a) Lavina, Montana
(a town)
(b) legend of online photo 1: “Rambouillet Merino sheep, yet to be sheared, are seen in a pasture at Lehfeldt Land & Livestock in Lavina, Mont. It is the time of year when sheep are sheared for their coats.” (In print, the kind of sheep is not mentioned.)
(i) Rambouillet (sheep)
(The development of the Rambouillet breed started in 1786, when Louis XVI purchased over 300 Spanish Merinos (318 ewes, 41 rams, 7 wethers) from his cousin, King Charles III of Spain)
(ii) Rambouillet
(a commune; located in the suburbs of Paris 44.3 km (27.5 mi) southwest from the center; Château de Rambouillet)
(iii) Merino
(section 1 Etymology)