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发表于 8-10-2014 16:46:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Aug 10, 2014
www.voachinese.com/content/strai ... 140810/2408930.html

(a) “东盟外长会议在缅甸登场,美中日三国外长也都出席,南中国海的领土争端是这次会议的焦点之一,美国国务卿克里点名中国在相关问题上挑衅,并提出 ‘冻结’ 南海行动的提议,但东盟各国似乎反应冷淡,中国更是明确拒绝”

So it true. Upon reading
美提议冻结南海行动 东盟外长反应冷淡. BBC Chinese, Aug 10, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/worl ... n_us_response.shtml
, I did not believe it.

“根据法新社报导,美国国务卿克里与中国外长王毅会谈时迟到,遭到王毅指责。王毅透过翻译直截了当地说,他已经等了“半个多小时”,克里则尴尬地道歉说: ‘我非常、非常抱歉。’  克里在会谈中吁请中国,中止一切可能使中国和其他南中国海主权声索国的紧张关系更加恶化的行动;王毅则表示,中国并非侵略者,会捍 卫自身的海上利益。”

China FM Chides Tardy Kerry. AFP, Aug 9, 2014.
www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news ... -chides-tardy-kerry
(i) tick off (vt; from tick as a verb: ‘to make the sound of a tick or a series of ticks’):
“1: REPRIMAND, REBUKE  <his father ticked him off for his impudence>
2:  to make angry or indignant <the cancellation really ticked me off>
(ii) It is definition 1 here, but usually it is def 2 elsewhere.

(c) “中国态度强硬,美国最近这几个星期似乎也更高调更积极的介入南中国海的相关争议,包括提出南海三不政策(也称南海三不建议),也就是呼吁各方 1.不夺取岛礁及设立前哨站 2.不改变南海的地形地貌 3.不采取针对他国的单边行动。”
(i) In English: “Three Nos” (with quotation marks) or “the so-called three nos”  (because this is not the way Britons or Americans say things)
(ii) This policy of China’s is not new.

(d) “菲律宾三步走行动方案是指:短期内暂停在南海加剧紧张局面的活动,中期全面且有效地执行《南海各方行为宣言》,以及最终敦促根据国际法解决纠纷。”

Wall Street Journal and Reuters say “three-point plan,” whereas Guardian (London), “three-point plan.”
(e) “至于中方赞成并倡导以“双轨思路”处理南海问题,所谓的“双轨思路”指的是争议由直接当事国通过友好协商谈判寻求和平解决,而南海的和平与稳定则由中国与东协国家共同维护。”

According to Xinhua: “dual-track’ approach”
(f) “曹郁芬认为,虽然台湾不与对岸合作,也没有应东盟国家的要求澄清九段线,台湾虽然不被允许参加会议,但也是中国和东盟要拉拢的对象,台湾朝野有共识,第一不跟中国合作,第二不主动澄清九段线,希望能够掌握外交上的主动权。”

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 楼主| 发表于 8-10-2014 16:47:13 | 只看该作者
US Portrays ASEAN Meeting as Setback for China. VOA, Aug 10, 2014.
www.voanews.com/content/us-portr ... -china/2408925.html

three consecutive paragraphs:

“The ASEAN foreign ministers released a statement expressing concern over ‘increased tensions’ and called for stepped-up talks with China, in what US officials said was a setback for Beijing's efforts to play down the disputes.

“But there was no specific mention of China in the final statement from the ASEAN meeting and the 10 nations did not take up a US and Philippine call for a freeze on provocative acts in the sea.

“A senior US official said ASEAN countries' concern over China's maritime actions was at an ‘all-time high’ based on private conversations, although their public statements were more guarded to avoid antagonizing China.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest.
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