人民网, Sept 7, 2014.
, whose last paragraph quotes
黄子娟, 走进空军试飞员:三代机研制创造没摔过飞机纪录. 人民网, Aug 22, 2014 (under the heading 党建).
Note: Quotations in the last paragraph of People Daily’s report of today (see top), BBC Chinese wrongly attributes to 解放军报:
中国否认两飞行员航母测试中丧生. BBC Chinese Sept 7, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... _death_denial.shtml
(“中国军方报章《解放军报》在2013年8月曾经报道说,在中国过去61年的试飞历史上,先后有27名空军试飞员 ‘血洒长空。’ 有关报道还列出了殉职的部分空军试飞员的姓名,这也是中国官方媒体首次公开报道有试飞员殉职的消息”)
There is no need to read the rest of the BBC Chinese report, which basically repeats People Daily’s.