Jason Pan, Taiwan Fans Defy Officials to Back HK Protests at Game. Taipei Times, Nov 18, 2014
("at an East Asian Cup qualifier in Taipei * * * between Taiwan and Hong Kong * * * [Taiwanese] Fans in one row in the stands held up 14 yellow umbrellas displaying lyrics from Hong Kong band Beyond’s hit song Glorious Years [光輝歲月] from the 1990s: 'Hold on tight to freedom in the wind and rain. We have the confidence to change the future' (風雨中抱緊自由、自信可改變未來)")
(a) Beyond (band)
(1983-2005; a rock band [singing in Cantonese, English and Mandarin]; section 2 Legacy: The song "Glorious Years" (光輝歲月) is also used as the theme song for Hong Kong's political activities)
does not have a Chinese name.
(b) "Then, as the Chinese national anthem was being played, local spectators joined visiting fans in singing a rendition of Beyond’s other 1990s hit, Boundless Oceans Vast Skies, the unofficial theme song of Hong Kong’s 'Umbrella movement.'”
It was "香港國歌."
東亞盃/球迷挺佔中、支持北韓 現場政治味濃厚. ETtoday, Nov 17, 2014
("場邊也有球迷自製北韓國旗 * * * 有趣的加油創意還不只黃雨傘,北韓來台比賽,就在與關島一戰中,場邊居然有一群外國人球迷懸掛北韓國旗,還印有韓文的字樣,場面相當有趣")
(c) 蘇雋凱, 東亞盃足球賽 全場黃傘挺「抗中」. 華視, Nov 17, 2014
has a photo of fans displaying "我要真普選." (No need to read text.)
(d) What Taipei Times neglects to mention is Taiwan los to Hong Kong 1 to 0.