Eva Dou and Lorraine Luk, Advice From Apple Suppliers: Stay Flexible; As others producers look on woes of sapphire-screen makers GT, they recount lessons learned. Wall Street Journal, Nov 21, 2014.
www.theaustralian.com.au/busines ... b240e796abae43da900
"'Something like GT would not happen to us,' said Charles LIN 林秋炭, chief financial officer of Pegatron 和碩 [2008- ], which manufactures iPhones. When Pegatron started making iPhones in 2011, it wasn’t that good at it. It lost money for more than a year making iPhones, because too many coming off the conveyor belt were not up to standard, people familiar with the matter said. In industry-speak, there were 'yield-rate problems.' But since Pegatron had a strong personal-computer making business, it could subsidise the iPhone production until it was up to speed. Now iPhones are a major earner for the company, analysts say.
"Taiwanese touch screen maker Wintek 勝華 is one example of a company that overexpanded on Apple hopes. * * * ended up losing new orders when Apple shifted to new technology to make screens thinner, people familiar with the matter said. The company has languished for the past few years in operating losses.
(a) The two URLs are from two media companies of same owner: Rupert Murdock.
(b) Contrary to what the WSJ's URL suggests ("blog"), the report does appear in the print of US edition , today.