Yoko Kubota, Japan's Most Powerful Follow the Sensei of Seaweed; Ina Food chief counsels Toyota boss, others; Great agar bubble's lesson. Wall Street Journal, Sept 1, 2015 (front page)
www.wsj.com/articles/to-whom-do- ... -seaweed-1441069219
("the health benefits of agar, which is low in calories and rich in fiber")
(a) Yōko KUBOTA 久保田 洋子
(b) "INA, Japan— * * * where does Toyota go when it needs management advice? To this mountain town, where a little company called Ina Food Industry Co 伊那食品工業株式会社[, world’s largest agar maker,] makes a living turning seaweed into a gelatin-like substance called agar."
Ina 長野県 伊那市
(c) "A squishy staple of Japan’s cuisine for four centuries that can be found as a vegetarian substitute for gelatin in the US, agar can be pressed into noodles or mixed with beans and sugar to make a sweet confection. For non-Japanese, it takes some getting used to, and so does the management philosophy of Ina Food’s chief executive-guru, who is followed by many of Japan’s most powerful leaders despite his anonymity abroad. The agar man, Hiroshi TSUJAKOSHI 塚越 寛, 77 years old"
(i) Japanese English dictionary
* kanten 寒天 【かんてん】 (n): "(1) freezing weather; (2) agar-agar"
* kanzarasgi 寒晒し 【かんざらし】 (n): "exposure to cold"
* tokoroten ところてん 《心太; ところ天; 心天》 (n): "{food} gelidium jelly strips (made from agar-agar)"
* neru 練る(P); 煉る 【ねる】 (v): "to thicken into a paste (stirring over a flame)"
(besides Chinese meanings: to drill, to refine)
("neru" is a verb whereas "neri" a noun)
* リストラ (n): "(abbr[eviation]) (See リストラクチュアリング [katakana for 'restructuring']) (corporate) restructuring; downsizing"
(ii) agar
(or agar-agar; chemically it is agarose [made of galactose 半乳糖]; agarose "forms the supporting structure in the cell walls of certain species of algae, and [ ] is released on boiling")
Quote: “Agar was discovered around 1658 in Japan (where it is called kanten, coined from the phrase kan-zarashi tokoroten or ‘cold-exposed agar’) by MINO Tarōzaemon 美濃 太郎左衛門, an innkeeper who was said to have discarded some surplus seaweed soup and noticed that it gelled later after a winter night's freezing.
* There was a 美濃国, which was about where 岐阜県 美濃市 is located.
* Though agar and gelatin (key ingredient of Jell-O) taste similar, the compositions differ. Gelatin is a hydrolyzed product of collagen.
(A) The first photo in this Wiki page displays “mizu yōkan.”
* zh.wikipedia.org under the page 羊羹 states,”羊羹主要依據寒天的用量分成「煉羊羹」及「水羊羹」兩種種類.”
* ja.wikipedia.org under the same says, "寒天の添加量が多くしっかりとした固さの煉羊羹(ねりようかん)と、寒天が少なく柔らかい水羊羹(みずようかん)がある。"
rough translation: Add more agar, and one gets solid 煉羊羹; add less, soft 水羊羹.