(1) Wang Chao-yu and SC Chang, China's Wen Jiabao Likely to Be One-Day Hero in Taiwan. Central New Agency, Apr 27, 2016.
Note: There is no Chinese reports within CNA that are similar to this English report. Apparently the English report is original, not translated from a Chinese report.
(2) 「台灣英雄」成大陸前總理溫家寶 綠委:多元包容. 中央社, Apr 27, 2016.
(3) 「台灣英雄」溫家寶才揭幕 業者宣告:要拆了. 三立新聞網.Apr 28, 2016.
My comment: The executive branch in any level of Taiwan's government have too much power and there is no check and balance from the other two branches (Though in theory, Taiwan, being so called Republic of China, have five branches.