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俄前财长:人民币保卫战恐 '弹尽粮绝'

发表于 6-21-2016 12:26:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 6-21-2016 13:15 编辑

刘新宇, 俄前财长:人民币保卫战恐 '弹尽粮绝.' RFA, June 21, 2016.
http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yata ... 06212016105147.html

My comment:
(a) I fail to find a single English-language news report on this lecture.

(b) "前财政部长阿列克谢·库德 林6月17日出席于圣彼得堡召开的国际经济论坛 * * * 据有关资料显示,库德林·阿列克谢·列昂尼德维奇1960年生于拉脱维亚,毕业于国立列宁格勒大学经济系,曾任俄罗斯联邦政府副总理兼财政部部长。"
(i) 2016 St Petersburg International Economic Forum kicked off on June 16, 2016 and ended on June 18.
(ii) Alexei Kudrin
(Alexei Leonidovich Kudrin; 1960- ; Minister of Finance 2000-2011)

(c) "此外,英国《金融时报》6月16日的报道也从侧面证 实了库德林的分析。报道称,为稳定汇率,中国央行自去年8月以来已花掉大约4,730亿美元外汇储备。"

Financial Times has translated the report:

吴佳柏 and 米强, 中国已动用4730亿美元外储捍卫人民币汇率. 金融时报, June 14, 2016
(subtitle: FT基于官方数据估计,中国央行自去年8月以来已花掉大约4730亿美元外汇储备。知情人士称,干预汇市代价巨大,但对维护信心和阻止人民币无序贬值是必要的)

, which is a summary of the translation from

Gabriel Wildau and Tom Mitchel, China Spent $470bn to Maintain Confidence in Renminbi. Financial Ties, June 13, 2016.
www.ft.com/cms/s/0/26484358-308d ... .html#axzz4CFKmYqzl
("Total reserves fell to $3.19tn last month, down from a peak of $3.99tn in June 2014. Even with intervention, the renminbi has lost 5.3 per cent since the devaluation last August")

* The bar chart (headlined "China FX reserves and estimated intervention") shows China's intervention to prop up renminbi has tapered off.


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