本帖最后由 choi 于 5-25-2017 13:23 编辑
Allen Salkin, Take a Load off. The Robots That Fold Laundry Are Coming. The Laundroid and FoldiMate complete a hated chore, slowly.. New York Times, May 25, 2017 (under the heading "Entrepreneurship").
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/ ... aundry-machine.html
(a) "At least two companies are promising to bring laundry-folding robots for the home to market by the end of 2017. * * * Laundroid is slightly smaller than a typical refrigerator and looks like the monolith from '2001: A Space Odyssey,' except with drawers. The robot arms are inside. The FoldiMate, more compact, has large clips dangling outside, making it look like a mash-up of a clothesline and a plastic oven."
2001: A Space Odyssey (film)
(1968; discovery of a mysterious black monolith)
(b) "There’s the iBasket, a laundry hamper that automatically washes clothes when full; EcoWasher, promising 'detergent-free laundry;' and DashLocker, an app-based urban laundry service" where a driver comes pick up dirty laundry,; after being washed off-site, the driver returns it to your concierge.
iBasket - Guopeng Liang. undated.
电子洗衣篮 was designed by 梁国鹏 that won a 2008 contest held by Electrolux and has been sold by Electrolux.
(c) "most people would rather watch a video of Marie KONDŌ 近藤 麻理恵, author of the book 'The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,' folding a T-shirt so well it stands on its own than to actually do it with their own hands."
(i) Marie Kondo: Basic Folding Method. YouTube.com, published by "Ebury Reads" on Feb 19, 2016 (length 2:57).
"Stands" because she stores in drawers clothing that stands (rather than lies flat).
(A) 人生がときめく片づけの魔法. Sunmark Publishing (2010)
Japanese-English dictionary:
* tokimeku 時めく 【ときめく】 (v): "to prosper; to flourish" ("人生がときめく" is a clause -- with 人生 as the subject of the sentence -- that modifies the noun 魔法.)
* katazukeru 片付ける(P); 片づける 【かたづける】 (v): "(1) to tidy up; to put in order; to straighten up; to put away; (2) to settle (problem); to clear (dispute); (3) to finish; to bring something to an end; (4) (sometimes 嫁ける) to marry off (e.g. a daughter); (5) to do away with someone; to bump someone off [ie, to kill someone]"
^ The "katazuke" is the corresponding noun.
(B) The Japanese original was translated into English:
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up; The Japanese art of decluttering and organizing. New York: Ten Speed Press (2011 and 2014)
(d) "Neither Laundroid * * * nor FoldiMate, being developed in Israel by an American company, can express existential ennui as Rosey the Jetsons' robot did * * * Gal Rozov, an inventor of FoldiMate, said his machine was faster. It requires users to clip each article of clothing to its front, making recognition simpler. The machine then pulls each into itself and folds."
(i) ennui (n; Did You Know?)
(ii) Search images.google.com with (Rosey robot).
(iii) FoldiMate