吴亦桐 and 文宇晴, 中国网控之手图入侵西方媒体 推特前员工遭国安游说做「间谍」. RFA, Feb 23, 2018
()captions of a photo of two PARTIAL tweets: "2018年2月22日,一位帐号为 @eddiex 的推特前员工在推特上发文,称自己遭贵州国安人员约谈,要求其向国安人员提供代码技术以对推特监控,不久他删除了相关推文")
Note: It is 1 pm EST, Feb 23. As of now, the account states, "This account's Tweets are protected. Only confirmed followers have access to @eddiex's Tweets and complete profile. Click the 'Follow' button to send a follow request." So we can not make an independent judgment, even about "前员工."