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发表于 3-19-2019 16:20:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-20-2019 15:21 编辑

蘇永耀, 美以「友邦」相稱挺台灣 力抗中國政經滲透. Liberty Times, Mar 20, 2019
("美方也主動公布白宮國安會資深主任博明與我外交部次長徐斯儉「同框」現身我友邦索羅門群島,被解讀為台美共同鞏固邦交。  美國駐巴布亞紐幾內亞大使館官方臉書,十八日貼出博明和徐斯儉在索羅門群島的合照,並註明「白宮國安會亞洲事務資深主任博明在索羅門群島,與友邦及夥伴商討推促自由及開放之印太地區。」照片中還包括我駐索國大使羅添宏。 * * * 美國國務卿龐皮歐二月十九日出席第十九屆在帛琉 [Palau] 舉辦的「密克羅尼西亞聯邦年會」,開幕發言時以相當篇幅肯定台灣在民主上貢獻,是可靠的國際夥伴")

(a) US Embassy - Port Moresby [capital], Papua New Guinea, Mar 18, 2019
https://www.facebook.com/permali ... id=2225711577494583
(Photo caption: "National Security Council Senior Director, Matt Pottinger in the Solomon Islands working with our mutual allies and partners for a free and open Indo-Pacific")
(b) photo caption in this news report: "美方十八日主動公布白宮國安會資深主任博明(右四)與我外交部次長徐斯儉(右三)在索羅門群島的合照:右一及右二分別為我駐索羅門公使廖文哲、大使羅添宏。(圖:取自美駐巴布亞紐幾內亞大使館臉書)
美方十八日主動公布白宮國安會資深主任博明(右四)與我外交部次長徐斯儉(右三)在索羅門群島的合照:右一及右二分別為我駐索羅門公使廖文哲 [Minister Counselor Oliver Liao; in Taiwan's embassy, this position ranks right beneath ambassadorship; in America's the rank is ambassador> deputy chief of mission (DCM; a career diplomat from Foreign Service). Minister Counselor (often there are several in charge of different areas]、大使羅添宏 [Ambassador Roger Luo]。(圖:取自美駐巴布亞紐幾內亞大使館臉書)"

(c) 美國國務卿龐皮歐二月十九日 "出席" 第十九屆在帛琉 * * *
(i) Liberty Times is dead wrong to use 出席.
(ii) That day (Feb 19, 2019) Mr Pompeo was in Washington DC, See
Remarks by Secretary of State: February 2019. US Department of State, undated
("02/20/19 Statement on Hoda Muthana; Secretary of State Michael R Pompeo; Washington, DC
02/18/19 The Gambia's National Day; Secretary of State Michael R Pompeo; Washington, DC")
(A) Statement from Secretary Pompeo to the Micronesia Presidents' Summit. US Embassy in Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, and Tuvalu, undated.
https://fj.usembassy.gov/stateme ... -presidents-summit/
(B) Mike Pompeo praises Taiwan at Micronesia summit. RNZ, Feb 23, 2019
https://www.radionz.co.nz/intern ... t-micronesia-summit
("The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has commended Pacific Island allies of Taiwan.
Mr Pompeo released a statement on Wednesday [Feb 20, 2019] as officials were in Palau for the Micronesia Presidents Summit")

Radio New Zealand
(1995- ; commonly known as Radio NZ or simply RNZ; table: Parent department   Ministry for Culture and Heritage)

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