Lisa Sanders, The Young Woman Was Extremely Mindful of Her Nut Allergy. So What Was Causing These Terrible Reaction? New York Times Magazine, July 21, 2019. ... hylactic-shock.html
My comment:
(i) I read this article, and was highly skeptical until I read the diagnosis -- and then do a research on this disease. You see, there is nothing in this article to suggest anything trigger the anaphylaxis, which is always life0endagering. (The most common known anaphylaxis is induced by penicillin, bee sting and nuts). These three, as well as hay fever (allergy to pollens causing itchy eyes and runny nose) are triggered by immunoglobulin E (IgE) on the surface of mast cells through Fc receptor. (An immunoglobulin is composed of Fab and Fc, standing for Fragment antigen-binding and Fragment crystallizable.)
(section 1 Class, section 1.3 Fc-epsilon receptors)
(ii) There are three kinds of Fc receptor: for immunoglobin G, A and E respectively. The one for immunoglobulin E )generated by B cells, of course) is called Fc-epsilon receptor, which is further divided into high-affinity FcεRI (or FcεR1) and FcεRII (or FcεR2). Disregard FcεR2. FcεR1 is on the surface of mast cells; an antigen's (penicillin, chemicals from bee sting, nuts or pollens) binding to a specific immunoglobulin on mast cells triggers these cells releasing granules which contain histamines.
(iii) Anaphylaxis calls for epinephrine, as in EpiPen.
(b) Bradley Benson, MD, FACP, FAAP Professor of Medicine (MD Vanderbilt 1994, BSUniversity of Illinois, 1990; "board certified in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics")
FACP = Fellow, American College of Physicians
FAAP = Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics