I do not where to post it, as the Robo-One was held in Japan, not US.
Robin Harding and Clive Cookson, The latest developments in robotics
research; Is robotocs any nearer to fulfilling its promise? Financial Times
(FT), Nov. 28, 2009.
("Our opponents’ KHR-1 robot kits, Sugiura explains afterwards, were beaten
by the carpet. Making a robot walk is hard: its upper body has greater mass
and inertia than the legs that support it, so when the robot stops, its
torso will try to keep going.")
(a) Robo-One Soccer Cup
(The third of the yearly event, held at Panasonic Center, Tokyo; on July 18,
19, 20 of 2009)
(i) Please note the above is different from
However, there is no video for Robo-One Soccer Cup. So, you may want to
(Held at Graz, Australia from June 29 to July 5, 2009; click under section
of News for "06.07.2009 Best of RoboCup Video (with finals) online")
(ii) I assume that FT makes this series of report following some research
after the tournament.
(b) servo (n): short for servomotor or servomechanism; the latter is defined
as "an automatic device for controlling large amounts of power by means of
very small amounts of power and automatically correcting the performance of
a mechanism"
(c) Sugiura 杉浦 (the noun ura in Japanese means a cove/inlet of a sea)
(d) ringer (n): " (1) : one that enters a competition under false
representations (2) : imposter, fake b : one that strongly resembles another
—often used with dead <he's a dead ringer for the senator>"
(e) I can not find an image of "Tiny wave" but here are two for "Stormwaves
(Stormwaves Light on the right)
(f) Odaiba お台場
My comment: At "Military" board of Mitbbs.com, "summer66" (screen name) had
a posting "老美的技术能力还是第一" dated Nov. 29, 2009.
But he unfairly compared, against Asimo of Sony (or the recent female robot
from Japan codenamed HRP-4C), Petman of Boston Dynamics.
Disregarding Petman is the latest whereas Asimo was created four years ago (
in 2005), the Petman is being demonstrated with suspension above, which
averted any possibility of fall. Image a fallen robot that is like an
overturned turtle which can not right itself.