BBC Chinese, Aug. 6, 2010.
Note: The report cites
Wong TH, Jackson IJ and Rees JL, The physiological and phenotypic
determinants of human tanning measured as change in skin colour following a
single dose of ultraviolet B radiation. Experimental Dermatology, 19: 667–
673, 2010.
Jonathan L. Rees of Univ. of Edinburgh is the corresponding author.
Tony Atherton, The Hawaii of China; Sanya's beaches are gorgeous but only a
few foreigners use them during the day. Ottawa Citizen, Aug. 7, 2010.
"The Chinese share a national trait that makes a beach holiday counter-
intuitive: they hate the sun, avoid it as if it were emitting some deadly
radiation from outer space.
"The most prevalent product on cosmetic shelves in China is whitening cream,
so sunbathing is about as popular a seaside activity as impaling yourself
on a beach umbrella. As a result, Sanya's beaches are all but empty until
the sun starts to throw long shadows about 5:30 in the evening. Then the
shore is crowded with merry-making Chinese, who will continue to frolic in
the surf until long after dark, 10 p.m. at least.