William J. Broad, John Markoff and David E. Sanger, Israeli Test on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Setback; Computer worm was shown to sabotage devices that process weapons fuel. New York Times, Jan 16, 2011 (title in the print).
My comment:
(a) Please
(i) take a look at the Multimedia to the left of the report; and
(ii) Read the first seven and the last six paragraphs of the text.
That is enough.
(b) A british newspaper reported, months after the crash, that a trojian horse, planted by CIA in a software, was responsible for the crash of China AWACS plane. Who knows?
(1) 台湾即将举行导弹防空实弹演习. BBC Chinese, Jan 17, 2011.
My comment: I wonder who the audience may be: China, US or Taiwanese?
(2) 32位美议员施压奥巴马谈中国人权. VOA Chinese, Jan 17, 2011.
(3) 美中之间是否真能建立互信? VOA Chinese, Jan 17, 2011.
(4) 印度IT企业瞩目中国市场. VOA Chinese, Jan 17, 2011.
My comment: $50bn is a lot of money. But China does not trust cloud computing, for fear of (industrial or intelligence) espionage. The angst may be legitigate. How is it possible that India can get a bigger pie in China?