BBC Chinese, Sept 16, 2011.
研究 "结果发现,中国未满月婴儿的死亡率从1996年每1000名当中有24.7名夭折,下跌至2008年的9.3名,换言之新生儿死亡率在这12年间下降了62%。目前,中国城市医院的新生儿死亡率是每1000名当中有5个,城市家中出生者则为17个。
(a) 伦敦卫生及热带医学学院
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (a constituent college of the University of London; founded in 1899; postgraduate only)
(b) The report cites
Xing Ling Feng et al, China's Facility-Based Birth Strategy and Neonatal Mortality: a population-based epidemiological study. The Lancet, _: _ (online publication Sept 16, 2011)
I spell out the full name of the first author, becasue I do not knwo which is his/her first or last name.
(c) Do not forget to read "comment" of the same issue, whose blue icon is in the right column:
Bassani DG and Roth DE, China's Progress in Neonatal Mortality.