My comment:
(a) Boston Dynamics debuted BigDog in 2007, which has served in Afghanistan since 2009.
Matt Sanchez, Robots Take Center Stage in US War in Afghanistan. Mar 23, 2009.
There is no need to read the above report.
(b) Now it debuts 2.0, whose unofficial name is AlphaDog but official one, IS3.
LS3 - Legged Squad Support Systems, undated.
(i) AlphaDog Proto. YouTube.com, uploaded by BostonDynamics on Sep 29, 2011.
(ii) Gavin Allen, War horse: Latest Frontline 'Pack Mule' Robot Alphadog Is the Strong, Silent Type. Daily Mail, Oct 3, 2011
("New version of the Big Dog project is ten times quieter than previous prototype")
There is no need to read this report, either.