(1) Sindya N Bhanoo, Rats to the Rescue in Cage Experiment. New York Times, Dec 13, 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/1 ... ee%20rat&st=cse
(a) The piece appears in his science column called Observatory, which today includes two other interesting findings (not not interesting enough for me to recommend to you).
(b) The report cites
Ben-Ami Bartal I et al, Empathy and Pro-Social Behavior in Rats. Science, 334: 1427-1430 (Dec 9, 2011).
(2) Donald G McNeil Jr, Snakebite: Experts Seek New Emphasis on Quiet Killer. New York Times, Dec 13, 2011.
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/1 ... nakebite&st=cse