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Washington Post

发表于 2-4-2012 10:28:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(a) Robert Kagan, The Importance of US Military Might Shouldn’t Be Underestimated. Feb 2, 2012
http://www.washingtonpost.com/op ... QAX5pVlQ_story.html
("Soft power, meanwhile, has its limits. No U.S. president has enjoyed more international popularity than Woodrow Wilson did when he traveled to Paris to negotiate the treaty ending World War I. He was a hero to the world, but he found his ability to shape the peace, and to establish the new League of Nations, severely limited, in no small part by his countrymen’s refusal to commit U.S. military power to the defense of the peace")
Letter to editor: Overstating China’s Military Threat. Feb 1, 2012
http://www.washingtonpost.com/op ... QAJCShiQ_story.html
("In this day and age, a nation that is not a military power will not be accepted as a major international player. China can be a nuisance, but one need not be a China booster to suggest that the country, anxious to express a national pride that has been long absent, is not a thoughtless military threat in the East Asia and beyond")

(2) Fareed Zakaria, The World Has Changed, Mr Romney. Feb 1, 2012 (columnist)
http://www.washingtonpost.com/op ... QAba5ziQ_story.html
(my book "The Post-American World * * * 'This is a book not about the decline of America but rather about the rise of everyone else,'  I note at the very outset")

My comment:
(a) Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World. Norton, 2008, whose "Updated and Expanded Release 2.0 followed in 2011." Wikipedia
(b) Skim though it, and that is enough--because the viewpoints are familiar.

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