Michael Wines, Protest Success Unlikely To Spur Change in China; Village takes on 'fake democracy'; Beijing handles unrest on a case-by-case basis. New York Times, Mar 4, 2012.
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/0 ... -be-replicated.html
Mr Yang Semao remarked, “The past ones were all fake democracy")
"Mr Xue [Jinbo] was buried last month after weeks of standoff between the city and his survivors. Ms Xue [Jianwan, 40, his daughter,] said she had given up on winning an inquiry into her father’s death.
"Yet this month in Zhejiang Province, north of Guangdong, officials suppressed a Wukan-style land protest in Panhe by systematically rounding up protest leaders and sealing their village off from journalists.
(a) The report says "Saturday’s election was the closing act in a Frank Capra story."
(i) Frank Capra
(1897-1991; a Sicilian-born American film director; Critics described his films as being "simplistic" or "overly idealistic"; His pictures let viewers witness "a triumph of the individual over corrupt leaders", and experience "inherent qualities of kindness and caring for others")
(ii) The Italian surname is Italian (and Latin) noun (capra) for "goat."
(b) Russell Leigh Moses. The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies (TBC), undated.
Regarding TBC.
(i) The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies. Jesuit Education Abroad, undated.
http://www.jesuiteducationabroad ... or-chinese-studies/
("The Beijing Center (TBC) is a study abroad program established in 1998 to provide Jesuit university students with premier comprehensive education about China. Since then, students from more than 25 US Jesuit institutions and from more than 20 other US schools have studied at TBC")
(ii) TBC. Office for International Program, Loyola University Chicago, undated.
http://www.luc.edu/studyabroad/beijing.shtml |