Re: 艾未未: 我只是不愿意再被嘲笑
Its "simple but radical guiding principle was to start doing the things you think should be done and start being what you think society should become." If you believe in freedom of speech, then speak freely. If you love truth, then tell it. If you believe in an open society, act in the open.
To reform an adversary(especially when the adversary was the state) might take some time but "in the sphere of one's own actions the just society could be established right away. " ... And if, you made yourself and your own actions your starting point for the reform of society, then how could you permit those actions to be degraded by brutality, deception, or any other disfigurement?
【 在 bridged 的大作中提到: 】
: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_473f90ad0100cv86.html
: 我只是不愿意再被嘲笑 09.04.05(2009-04-05 12:47:45)
: 标签:场记 地震灾害 烈度 特务 艾未未 四川省 杂谈 分类:文字
: 我只是不愿意再被嘲笑罢了
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