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Preserv'g TW Aboriginal Languages, Prototypes of Austronesian Languages Today

发表于 1-9-2013 12:31:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-9-2013 12:32 编辑

Peter Enav, Taiwanese Linguist Races to Save Dying Languages. Associated Press, Jan 9, 2013
http://bigstory.ap.org/article/t ... save-dying-language
("The dispersion [of Taiwanese aboriginals throughout the Pacific] is illustrated by the similarities of the words for "ear." What linguists call the proto-form — the Taiwanese basis from thousands of years ago — is usually rendered as "galinga." In modern Taiwanese aboriginal dialects that becomes "calinga," while in the Philippines it's "tenga," in Fiji "dalinga," in Samoa "talinga," and in Papua New Guinea "taringa." Taiwanese aboriginals traveling to New Zealand, for example, are struck by the close relationship of their own languages to Maori, particularly when they hear the local version of numbers")

(a) An alternative title in various news websites is:
Linguist races to save aboriginal languages in Taiwan, birthplace of a major language family
(b) The report is dispatched from "Dakanua, Taiwan."
(i) Dakanua village, Namasia Town  那瑪夏鄉達卡努瓦村
林津如, 災難下的原住民男性陽剛特質與健康研究. 高雄醫學大學, 2012.
http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.t ... 384924&highStr=*
(grant application to 國家科學委員會)
(ii) Before Dec 25, 2010 Namasia is an administrative division of Kaohsiung County 高雄縣, which the Ma administration merged with 高雄市.

(c) Li-may SUNG, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, NTU
台大語言所 宋麗梅 副教授/所長

(d) Regarding "the Kanakanavu language."  The "Kanakanavu" is a division of Southern Tsou  南鄒 族. See

鄒族的表演藝術 May 30, 2011.

(e) Mt Anguana  "Anguana山是南族的發祥地" (there is no Chinese transliteration in Taiwan)
(f) For Nanzixian River, see 旗山溪

(g) The report states, "Sung's most recent project was collating a Chinese-English dictionary for the Seediq language."
(i) collate (vt; back-formation from collation):
"1b : to collect, compare carefully in order to verify, and often to integrate or arrange in order
* * *
3b : to assemble in proper order; especially : to assemble (as printed sheets) in order for binding"
(ii) Seediq people  賽德克族

(h) Hsiao Lin Tsuen  高雄縣甲仙鄉 小林村 (buried due to Typhoon Morakot 莫拉克颱風, which made landfall near City of Huanlien on Aug 7, 2009.

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