Pam Belluck, A Cat’s 200-Mile Trek Home Leaves Scientists Guessing; A tale of survival instincts and a mictochip. New York Times, Jan 20, 2013. ... incredible-journey/
Excerpt in the window of print: Cats are not migratory, yt they sometimes show navigatioal ability
My comment:
(a) Since how athe cat achieved the feat is unknown and unknownable, skip the speculations in the report. Read only those paragraphs that are facts.
(b) Bonnie Richter
(i) Bonnie
(ii) The German surname Richter is "judge, Middle High German rihtære (from rihten ‘to make right’)."
(c) The English surname Bradshaw is from "Old English brad ‘broad’ + sceaga ‘thicket.’"
(d) The protagnist is "Holly, a 4-year-old tortoiseshell [with] distinctive black-and-brown harlequin patterns on her fur."
(i) tortoiseshell cat
(a coat coloring found almost exclusively in female cats; orange and black; are not specific breeds of cat)
(ii) harlequin
Pay attention to the photo in lower left corner.
(e) RV = recreational vehicle
(i) Daytona Beach, Florida,_Florida
(In 1871, Mathias Day Jr bought a tract of land; in 1872 residents decide to name the city Daytona in honor of Day as its founder)
Dayton, Ohio,_Ohio
("The city was incorporated in 1805 and was named after Jonathan Dayton, who owned the land. Dayton had been a captain in the American Revolutionary War and was a signer of the US Constitution")
(ii) West Palm Beach, Florida,_Florida
Palm Beach, Florida,_Florida
(located on a 16-mile (26 km) long barrier island) |